Chapter 14

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Almost 600 reads! I'm speechless. I love you guys.



Me and Amber are hanging out. I went to ask nash if he wanted pizza because everyone order pizza. I figured him and Leah were in his room. I knock and no one answer. So I just open the door. Nash or Leah aren't in there.

"Amber, have you seen nash or leah?"

"No, they are probably getting something to eat"

"Okay we'll I'm gunna call him"

I find his contact in my phone.


"Nash where are you? we got pizza"

"I can't talk I have to go. I'll be back later"

"Uh okay bye"


Cam called me but I can't talk to him right now. I walk over to Leah to see Dillion next to her.

"Leah what is this?"

"Nash leave me alone. You cheated on me"

"You didn't even let me explain, and why are you with Dillion.?"

"You don't have to explain, I saw it. And Dillion May be my ex but he will always be my bestfriend"

"Leah can I talk to you alone please"

"No leave me alone nash"

I'm speechless I'm losing the love of my life. I guess I'll do what she asks because I love her to much to upset her more than I already did. I get back in my car and just drive as fast as I can.


Nash comes to explain everything to me. I have to stay tough. I wanted to crawl up next to him and let him tell me everything and cry but I just couldn't. I've been hurt some many times now. Idk what to do.

I walk back to me house after hanging out with Dillion. Dillion is my bestfriend besides Amber. I can tell him anything. We talked a lot today. He made me feel a little better. I took a shower and laid down to watch tv when my phone starts ringing. I look and it says Jack Gilinsky, I'm sitting here thinking, what could he want.


"Leah is that you?"

"Yeah why?"

"You need to come to the hospital now"

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