Chapter 15

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"Jack whose in the hospital?"

"It's nash Leah, he got hit by another car"

"I'll be there soon"

Hot tears start pouring out of my eyes. I start panicking. Even tho me and nash are broken up. I still love him. I start feeling dizzy and then everything goes black.


All of us are at the hospital for nash. LEAHS supposed to be coming. Jack called her 30 minutes ago. The hospital isn't that far from Sarah's house.

"Guys I'm going to go call Leah and see where she's at"

I called 3 times and she didn't answer. She may have freaked out and passed out or worse.

"Cam and taylor com with me we have to go find leah now!"

"What's wrong with Leah?"

"I don't know, that's why we have to find her"

We get in cams car and we start driving towards Sarah's house.


"Guys I'm gunna go check on nash"

I go in there and nash is awake.

"Nash, you're awake"

"Where's Leah jack?"

"Uh no one can get ahold of her. I called her to tell her to come down here and she said she'd be here but now no one can find her."

He tries to get up out of the bed. He isn't hurt that bad just a broken arm and some scratches.

"Nash you can't leave"

Nash starts crying.

"I need Leah jack, I love her so much"

"She's your girlfriend nash she'll be here okay"

"Jack we broke up, I need her back".


When I woke up jack was in the room with me. I don't remember anything but the crash. I don't know how I got here. Jack told me they can't find Leah. I feel hot tears rolling down my face. This is all of my fault. I feel me heart breaking. I need Leah.

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