Chapter One

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It was a cold snowy night. Christmas night. The night Old Saint Nick supposedly flew through the air yelling "Ho ho ho" for the whole world to hear. But for one man named Brycen, this was just another ordinary, boring night. No fun. No Santa. Just egg nog and old movies from his childhood. But he had ran out of egg nog, so Brycen was walking to the store in an almost-too-big, black winter jacket with the hood drawn over his head and faux fur lining it, a dark gray scarf, black jeans, black boots and dark gray gloves. This was his not-so-successful attempt at trying to stay warm in the harsh coldness. Then he heard something. Something that couldn't possibly be possible. He shook his head to clear his mind, but he still heard it. He didn't want to admit that what, well, who he was hearing was really.. Real. He looked to the sky, and to his bewilderment, he saw the dazzling red glow that Rudolph is said to have. He couldn't help but stare in shock and amazement. All the years he'd spent yelling and complaining to his parents about how Santa is a bullshit lie, and he sees this. As much as he wanted too, as much as he wanted to be right, he couldn't deny that Santa really does exist. He suddenly slapped himself and cursed under his breath, telling himself he's imagining things and that he's just tired. He decided to ditch the egg nog and turned around. Before he could take a step, he was sent sprawling back and screaming. He felt his heart pounding, his eyes never leaving the unmoving shape that had suddenly appeared. It was a human.. Yet they had deer antlers and a deer tail. Not knowing what else to do, Brycen gave up and got up, hoisting the boy up. He slowly got them both to his house, Brycen breathing hard by the time he got him there. Brycen staggered through the door, feeling like he was doomed to collapse. But he pulled through and managed to get the boy onto his bed. Brycen shed his winter outerwear, leaving him in a long sleeve shirt, black jeans and white socks. He went to the kitchen and prepared a warm soup for the boy, surely he was freezing. Once the soup was finished, Brycen returned to the boy, finding that he had woken up and was now sitting. "Here," Brycen said softly and handed the boy the soup. The boy nodded his thanks and ate the soup quietly, leaving Brycen to ponder exactly why this boy was here in the first place.

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