TWENTY-NINE: A calm before the storm

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"Where have you been?"

I asked as soon as jisung entered the master room. My eyes following his every movement. I place the magazine on my side and folded my arms across my chest to show I was annoyed.

He sat down beside me, a small curve lifted on the side of his lips.

"Are you mad at me, my love? Cute."

His arms snake around my waist and pull me closer to him. I was still pouting and glared playfully at him.


"I miss you, my love. Can we just stay like this for a moment? I miss your touch."

I hug him back and heard his heartbeat against my ear. I smiled.

"Jisung, I asked you, where were you? You left me alone for three hours. What were you doing?"

"I'm sorry, I just have something important I have to do."

"Did you take care of it?"

"Yes. I did. Thank you for understanding me, my love."

He smiled. I saw a small red stain on his collar and choose to ignore it.

"Jisung, what am I to you?"



Jisung hyung didn't forget about me, did he?

I'm starving! How could jisung hyung kidnapped me and not feed me?

I laid down and clutched my stomach.

A few seconds later, i heard the door knob click opened. My eyes look up towards the door and saw jisung hyung walking in, closing the door right behind him.

"Hyung, feed me. I'm hungry!"

"Stop whining little brat."

Jisung hyung places two plastic bags on the ground beside the cage door and unlock the door. i walked out of the door and sat down across of him.

"I bought food. Let's eat."

"Thanks, hyung. You bought so much food! Is this my last meal?"

He didn't say anything and let me eat the food.

I devour the food like a pack of hungry hyena not caring how i look.

"Eat slowly."

After I was done, I clean after myself and lick my lips.


I fumble with my fingers on my lap as I hesitate to ask him for a favor.

"Can I ask for a small favor?"

He gave me a straight face and i took courage to speak without triggering him.

"Can I see noona? Please."

I begged, I missed noona and I want to see her before I die.

I'm going to die sooner or later, jisung hyung won't keep me alive for so long. I'm no use to him anymore.

He sighed.

"Please hyung, even if I just get a glimpse of her. I just want to see how she is doing."

He pulled his phone out and turn the screen to face me.

"I'm letting you see her through this, now, stop asking if you can see her again, got it!"

I held the device on my palm, noona was busy stitching a warm cotton blanket and a tear escape my eyes.

Noona is doing so well, I don't have to worry about her.

"Thanks, hyung."



I walked to the backyard, struggling to drag a heavy bag with me. It was slippery as it was raining heavily.

I threw the heavy bag down and took a deep breath, wiping the sweat off my forehead.

I wore a raincoat with the hood covering my head. 

I walked towards the muddy soil and took a shovel.

As I was digging the soil, someone approaches me from my back.


I was startled and held the shovel tightly on my hands.

"What are you doing?"

A/n: unedited

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