Chapter 1

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{Louis POV}

"I still think you're making a big mistake"

"Why? It's not like I'm doing anything wrong. I just want to take our relationship to the next level, you know?"

"Then go on a vacation together. But Don't have sex with him"

"Why not? Listen, I just want to try something different. I think that he's getting tired of the old romantic date and good night kiss. I want to do this. I'm ready. And plus, he's always wanted to do this so I'm going to do it", I said as I tried to convince him. It really wasn't any of his business but he's my best friend so I told him. I still don't understand why he doesn't want me to do this.

"Ohhhh, I see. You want to do this because you think you'll lose him"

"It's not just that. We'll be closer and our relationship will be a whole lot stronger"

"So, let me get this straight. You want to give a sex-addict your virginity so that your relationship will be stronger? Listen, I didn't want to be the one to tell you this but... ", he trailed off.

"I think he's cheating on you". For 5.5 seconds, I was shocked but after that, I knew exactly what he was doing. He always does this.

"Don't be ridiculous. You just don't want me to have sex with him"

"I'm not just saying this because I don't want you to have sex with him. I'm saying it because you need to face reality. He's addicted to sex and if he isn't getting it from you, he's getting it from someone else".

"He's not addicted to it, he just likes it a lot. And plus, he loves me too much. He's not going to cheat just because I wouldn't give it up. But that's not going to be a problem anymore", I said as I continue to argue with him. If I want to have sex with my boyfriend, then I can. It's my choice. And I certainly don't think he's cheating on me. That's crazy! He tells me he loves me every day.

"Fine. I quit, but if you get hurt, don't come running back to me with your problems", he stated.

" Thanks! So... Tell me about this guy you met", I said as I tried to change the subject. As we sat for hours talking about Niall's crush, some guy named Liam, I found myself thinking about what Niall said about Zayn's addiction to sex. He's getting help for it but... I just can't help but think he's got something going on with someone else. Could he be right? Is Zayn cheating on me?

" And then he asked me for lunch and I said yes", Niall continued on. My phone vibrated, letting me know that I had a text.

"Hold on a minute, Ni", I said as I picked up my Galaxy S3 off of the coffee table. As soon as the screen came to life, his name appeared in big bold letters (A/N: i know that that really doesn't happen with the galaxy s3, but for this story, it does). I opened the text and smiled.

Zee - Wanna do something later? :)

Me- sure. What time?

Zee - in a few?

Me- sure, see ya then <3

Zee - k

I looked up at Ni, who was smiling down at his phone, and cleared my throat. He didn't notice because he was too absorbed into his phone. I did it again, but much loud and he looked up at me with a shocked look on his rosy face.

"Hey, Zee is coming by so... "

"Yeah I get it, You want me to leave so you can get your freak on.", he sighed as he stood up and stretched.

"Thanks for understanding! You know I love you, right? "

"Yeah, whatever. Don't get all mushy. I'll see ya later, yeah?

"Yup, bye", I said as I shut the door behind him. I'm kind of nervous. How should I go about doing this? Should I ask him right away or wait a while? Should I start or let him? All of these questions flew through my head as the doorbell rang.


A/N : NEW book! I'm excited for this one. I have so many ideas for this one.

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