Chapter 3 : The Return To Home

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Chapter 3 : The Return To Home


Titus waited impatiently to his mother's reply for several hours already, only to be brought back to reality with a sudden knock on his door. He thought it might be the Room Service Lady again, but was shocked to not see her, but Severus Snape and a young man who felt like Tom Riddle, both having gentle yet happy smiles etched on their lips.

"Is this the room where a young man named Titus Ignatio Snape Riddle stays for a while? I do believe he indicated he resides in Room 197 at the moment." Severus, or should I say Titus' mother, told the 16 year old with a gentle tone, so as to not disturb other renters near them.

Titus replied with a gentle smile and got his Self-Erasing Parchment and Self-Inking Quill, writing down his reply as he always did.

"Yes, Profe-- Mother. Good evening to both of you too." As Tom saw his reply, he instantly hugged his son, Severus following suite as he sees fit. Titus couldn't believe it; here is his family, all alive and well, hugging him gently. Titus couldn't stop his tears of pure happiness and Severus had to wipe his tears with a handkerchief from his cheeks and he gently smiles at him with Tom. Titus took a shaky breath to calm himself from these overflowing sense of joy and to reply with a smile on his face.

"Should we take this inside or should I pack so that I can come and stay with you two?"Titus wrote, asking his parents with a hopeful expression etched on his face. Severus and Tom looked at each other before breaking into a grin as they nod in silent agreement.

"I think we should go home already. It must've been quite tiring for you to travel from that mudblood's house to Gringotts then going back and going here at The Leaky Cauldron." Tom said with a smile, although he sneered at the start of the mention of mudblood's house, completely hating the fact that Dumbledore placed him in such an unworthy house filled with mudbloods who clearly hate their little Princess Titus Ignatio Snape-Riddle. Titus had to smile at how much Tom feels so protective to him. He wanted to speak to them so he had to clear his throat several times since it has been a while since he has used his voice. Tom and Severus looked at each other in silent wonder then turned back to Titus who took a deep breath as he felt his parents' gaze.

Finally, Titus had grunted out - well more like whispered - the words that he hasn't given a thought that he might say one day and now he has the chance since he has finally found his parents. "M. . . Mama? P. . . Papa?"

Tom and Severus couldn't believe it, especially Severus. He's known ever since first year that Titus has been mute due to an incident that has happened while at the Dursleys the summer before he went to Hogwarts, but he's never known that the boy could actually speak, and probably preferring not to speak while around others. Come to think of it, he's barely seen any of his "friends" try and touch him ever since he set foot in Platform 9 ¾ . Severus had been too deep in his thoughts that he didn't realize that he's been silently shedding tears, a shocked Titus wiping his tears frantically and in a panicky manner.

"D-don't c-cry, M-Mama... P-Please don't cry..." Titus stuttered out as tears began to form in his emerald green orbs, panicking as he sees his mother crying in front of him, his father probably going to punish him for making his spouse cry. Titus prepared for the worst of jinxes and thrusted his arms in front of Tom, who seemed very confused at his actions.

"Y-you're going t-to... p-punish me f-for m-making M-Mama cry, r-right?" Titus croaked out through sobs and tears, closing his eyes tightly, making the tears fall even more harshly down his tan cheeks.

Tom seemed shock, so did Severus. Sure, they've heard of the abuse Titus had as not Harry in the Dursleys, but they didn't know it was this severe. How can human beings do such a thing to a child like Titus? It was unbelievable, an innocent child who was given a wrong identity and impression due to the wrongdoings of a certain headmaster, had been severely punished for something to this extent. They have come to a silent agreement that they will make Titus feel comfortable in his life as their child and learn about what is the cause of Titus' shyness when it comes to his voice.

Tom smiled softly to ease Titus, Severus doing so too for their little Princess. Tom looked at Titus with such gentle look in his blood red eyes before he spoke in a gentle manner as well.

"Titus, my dear Princess, we don't do such a thing as punishments for such a small thing. You see, your mother, he's been longing for you night and day, just like me. We've been waiting for far too long for you to return to us. You see, even if Dumbledore tried to erase our memories of you, he couldn't erase them because we've placed an ancient spell only from the bloodline of Slytherin knows. Because of this spell, we have kept your memories safe and he couldn't do anything because he is not from the bloodline of Slytherin, you see." Tom explained to Titus, who has been enlightened even more of their family's situation.

They were far too deep in their conversation that they did not realize that Severus has been waiting for them to finish it so that they could actually go to the Gaunt Manor to enjoy some quality time with his own family on the remaining month of Titus' summer vacation and also before Severus and Titus has to go back to Hogwarts. They only remembered he was there when he spoke once more.

"If you'd like, both of you, to continue you bickering and having a Father-Son bonding moment, I suggest we leave by the Floo Networks already." Severus spoke in such a nasty tone, he almost sounded like he was jealous of not getting his spouse's and son's attention.

Tom and Titus couldn't believe it. Was Severus jealous that Tom was paying more attention to their Princess than him, his intelligent Slytherin Queen? That was such an absurd thought because Severus was his queen and Titus is their offspring!

"My dear Queen, don't get jealous over our cute Princess Titus over here! You're still number one in my heart, my dear Slytherin Queen." Tom proclaimed to Severus, huffing at the petty excuse of his husband, but smirk and silently chuckle. Titus gets what his mother's done as Tom figures out what was so funny.

"Oh my dear King, I'm afraid you've taken it far too seriously. I was just fooling around to see what you would've told me right now in front of our Princess. I'm surprised you've managed to embarrass yourself in a whole new level, I must say!" Severus told Tom and his cheeks immediately turn into a shade of red that was even darker - if possible - than his eyes and he covers his cheeks out of embarrassment, only to get laughed at even more by both his husband and son.


OKAY SO I KNOW that I haven't updated in a month but here it is! Our exams came up and were followed by projects and also our Intramurals so it was a busy month but here it is!!!

I hope you enjoy this chapter with a little Tom x Severus at the end! ;)

Anyway, saranghaeyo my jagis!


PS: Each chapter I publish are edited version of ones that are written in my notebook and they are not proofread well enough 😅😅😅😅

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