Chapter 5 : An Important Notice from The Malfoys

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Chapter 5 : An Important Notice from The Malfoys


Even though that happened, the pure boy still continued to be a living angel since he started smiling more after that. Although Severus knew that he was, most of the time, faking it since he saw how strained the smiles were to his friends. Merlin, the boy couldn't sputter a bad word when mad. He still stutters at bad words when alone and therefore, lets his friends do it because he doesn't want his secret out to anyone. Severus chuckles at the thought and smiles sweetly back at Titus.

All of a sudden, the Gaunt Manor house elf, Twinkle, popped out of nowhere which emitted a high pitched shriek from Titus and a flinch from Severus, both still not accustomed to house elves' apparition. Tom smiles at Twinkle and greets her as if she didn't pop out of nowhere and scare the two blessings of his life.

"What is it, Twinkle?," Tom asks the house elf while rubbing the backs of Titus and Severus to help calm them down.

"Masters has a visitors who were tries to go insides Manors, Sirs." Twinkle replied, slightly fidgeting from the sight of Titus. Apparently, Twinkle has a tendency to dislike new faces and it gets her a few days before she gets used to someone new.

"Who might they be?," Tom asked once more, confusion written all over his face after Twinkle announced this.

"The Malfoys Family, Sirs. They says it was importants, Sir." Twinkle said and Tom immediately understood that they (The Malfoy Family) were to have a word immediately. He quickly told the house elf to deliver the message that they will be there shortly at the Gaunt Manor to the Malfoys and to let them enter before dismissing her. Severus and Titus watch in amazement as Tom quickly talked to Twinkle, the latter disappearing quickly before their own eyes.

Titus looked at his mother in confusion and he seemed to have no clue as to what happened as well. Ton saw the confusion in their emerald and onyx eyes and told them camly.

"We must go back to the Gaunt Manor. We have guests to attend to." Tom said and went to the Floo Network then decided to floo at the same time and they appeared in a somewhat old yet elegant living room, which was filled with paintings of the past lords of the manor, including a painting of Salazar Slytherin himself; for the seats there are two single black linen couches, four fluffy cream colored bean bags, two loveseats in royal green silk, and a long three-occupant silver linen-laiden couch together with a black stained glass table with a cream cloth atop of it and a table piece of a carved glass of two people hugging a little child in the middle of them, smiles plastered on their faces as it twinkled under the silver glass chandelier above it. It was wonderful and Titus loved how it was elegant yet still gives off a comfortable vibe to it and he looked around once more to get used to his surroundings. He smiles brightly, only for it to falter when he saw who were occupying the silver couch. The Malfoys themselves.

Titus didn't know what to do with them around and instinctively, he fell silent, hiding behind Severus' robes in hopes of not being noticed by the family of proclaimed purebloods.

Severus noticed this behavior and decided to let Titus be introduced properly to the Malfoys. "Lucius, Narcissa, Draco, this is my long-lost son, Titus Ignatio Snape-Riddle. Titus, show your face to them so that they may be familiar." Severus said and smiled softly at Titus and gave him a little pat on his back to indicate that he should step forward.

Titus did, and he shyly showed his face to the Malfoys, still afraid to know how they will react if they will know that he was once Harry James Potter. After doing so, he hid his face in his mother's robes again, indicating that he is still quite uncomfortable with seeing the family he once thought were the inner circle members of the Dark Lord.

Draco noticed this behavior and hoped that he will soon open up and feels worried that he will not have a good relationship with the young boy. He felt a quite big of an attachment at that instant to Titus and he stood up, walking over to Titus and stop a few inches away from him and smile, slouching slightly to the boy's height with a hesitant but gentle smile etched on his face in order to not scare the shy boy and gently whisper a little "Hello, Titus, nice to meet you.," and he was not quite expecting the reaction of the boy.

Titus let go of his mother and jumped to Draco, surprising everyone as the shy boy earlier was replaced with a very clingy one and Draco smiled at this, running his hand slowly in Titus' waist length hair and sat himself with the clingy teen on one of the cream bean bags, Severus and Tom sitting down on one of the loveseats with a small smile adorning their faces and look at the two mates.

Lucius clears his throat to hide the chuckle bubbling up in his throat that will burst his cold demeanor and stand up straight in order to return formality in the air. Tom looks at Lucius and asks the Malfoy patriarch what they came here for.

"I believe our first agenda this afternoon has been resolved seeing as the two mates are quite comfortable in a bean bag already. Though there is still a problem. Severus, I've heard that the Order has been quite in a fit as news of Harry Potter missing spread out the muggle village he resides. Do you perhaps know where the young Boy-Who-Lived is?"

Severus looks at Titus as if to ask if it were alright to give out the information and the young boy shakes his head in a clear discomfort and nervousness for how they will treat him.

Titus of course will disagree! He couldn't think of how letting his so-called arch-enemy's family know that he was once known as Harry Potter. Draco noticed of this behavior of Titus and gave the Submissive Veela a worried glance before asking him the most dreaded question the Submissive Veela feared.

"Munchkin, what's wrong? Do you perhaps know where Potter is?" Draco asked Titus who was now shaking out of fear. Severus and Tom, being the parents that they were, noticed the frantic shaking of Titus whom they formerly knew as The-Boy-Who-Lived and they now also feared the negative reaction as well. Titus took a deep breath, even after he is almost at the peak of a panic attack to calm his nerves, and made grabby hands at Severus, who realized that Titus wanted his Self-Inking Quill and Self-Erasing Parchment. He got them out of his robe pockets then handing them to Titus.

Titus gave his mother a thankful but still worried glance and took another deep breath before placing his quill on top of the parchment and wrote the words that might change everything in his life.

"I was once known as The-Boy-Who-Lived-With-His-Relatives-And-Got-Abused-For-Being-A-Wizard."

This sentence was written by Titus in his parchment which was slowly being erased by the same parchment it was displayed. Every slowing second, Titus felt as if his heart's about to burst from all the nervousness he feels right now.

Draco, however, remembered all the times he's been rude to Titus who was once disguised as Harry, and now he feels even more guilty of his actions. Not only has he been bullying the love of his life but he also didn't know the major sufferings that Titus had to endure in the hands of the Dursleys. Lucius had his memories play too from the times he's been rude to Titus. He was cold and he felt guilty for those times and wanted to apologize for what he's done.

Titus didn't know what Draco spacing out meant and he slowly felt a panic attack almost coming, a mental breakdown right behind it. He felt tears almost falling, thinking that Draco hates him again because he was once the so-called Savior Harry Potter. He didn't realize that he was silently crying until he felt a warm touch on his back, only realizing that Draco was comforting him in his own way (in this case, rubbing the submissive's back in a way of comforting him.) Titus felt happy at this simple touch and had even more tears brimming his already teary eyes.

Draco felt surprised, everyone in the room was when Titus hugged Draco out of pure joy.


Finally updated.

Sorry for the long wait, my summer sched jumbled up and now I had time to finally publish this bad boi.

Hope y'all still enjoy. :)


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2023 ⏰

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