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Rachael's PoV
As we enter the laundry room Emma in
frustration slams her wet top into the washing machine and repeats the process with her vest, I look around the room uncomfortable with the fact of her nudity and spot a blonde lady "no, no, no, no," she sobs grabbing the attention of Emma who looks at her curiously. The girl who can't be any older than 20 begins to fold pink sheets "you okay?" Emma asks the mysterious blonde she sighed in reply "the sheets uh.... they're pink," Emma redirects her gaze towards the pink sheets "whats wrong with pink?" I ask earning a glare from Emma "okay, okay! Shutting up now," the girl laughs lightly at my statement "mission accomplished, I got the sad lady to laugh," Emma offers her advice saying " you tried bleach?" She blonde lady looks down sadly and places the sheet on the machine to reveal a VERY large Pregnant belly my eyes widen and I spew outta my mouth "WOW YOUR PREGGERS!," Emma hits me over the head lightly as I mutter a sorry meanwhile all Emma says is "oh" in response the lady just chuckled and sniffles in response "last night I felt contractions, and the doctor said the baby could come any day now," Emma who looks EXTREMELY uncomfortable replies with "sooo.... that's great," the poor lady looks like she is about to cry and that is when Granny shouts "RACHAEL! YOUR COFFEE AND HOT CHOCOLATE IS READY," "thank you Granny" I sigh and say "JUST COMING, well ladies I would love to stay and cry with you's but I gotta go," I speak and slowly back out earning a light chuckle as I run and say "EMOTIONS ARE MY ONE WEAKNESS!" as I hear both ladies laugh loudly and continue their conversation.
The Sheriffs Station
I walk into the station and see Graham in his office doing paperwork as I sneak up behind him and shout in his ear "I GOT YOUR COFFEE!" He jumps and looks at me with a play glare and grabs the coffee "what took you so long," I sigh and explain to him in as brief a explanation as I can "Emma spilt her hot chocolate all over her top and I had to help her find the laundry room cause Ruby's lazy," he nods as he says "well there is some extra paperwork that needs done if you would be so kind," my eyes follow Graham's pointed finger to a pile of work I lightly sigh and think of ditching him but he helped me at the hospital and he has been overwhelmed ever since Emma showed I grab the pile and a pen "Kay but I have a shift at the hospital at 2.30," he smiles thankfully and nods "sure," as we buckle  down and do work.
The Hospital
As I wave to Graham as he rolls out of the car park after dropping me off for my shift "THANKS FOR THE HAND CRAMPS!" he sticks his hand out and give me the middle finger I laugh to myself as I turn around and head in bracing myself for stares I keep my head down and prepare I see Dr Wale heading my hey "hey doc waddup," he smiles at me sadly and hands me my book "you... uh forgot this yesterday," I thank him and grab the book and head the quietest corner and begin to read I feel a sudden presence next to me as I look up to see who it is "David," I say quietly he looks at me sadly and says "Hey..... um I just wanna say what the Madame Mayor said was wrong and I would never let social services take you," I sigh and close my book and say "no offence Mr Nolan but my life is none of your business," I get up and begin to walk away but he grabs my hand "I know but you can't just shut people out who wanna help you but that is no way to live your life,"
" parents gave me up, my entire life I have been shit on showered with threats of social services told I will amount to nothing barely scraping by. I have done nothing but give to this community but it is never enough I have been giving for years and if I wanna hide how I'm feeling I will do David please, leave me alone," tears are threatening to spill I can feel my bottom lip trembling "Graham was all I have but I don't even have him anymore, cause he is fucking the mayor who hates me with a passion so I can't tell him shit," Out of nowhere David pulls me into a tight hug and tells me "your not alone anymore," I can't hold in those tears anymore as I hug back and sob uncontrollably into his shoulder, I don't know why but I feel safe with David like he will protect me.
David's PoV
Holding this little girl in my arms feels right for some reason like it all makes sense, but seeing her crying seeing her all alone breaks my heart, shatters it into a million pieces but I barely know her, I need to know her but I can't I'm not her dad that..., that BASTARD left her and Graham is fucking the woman who hates the girl he sees as his little sister. One thing is for sure I would die for this girl I can't let anyone hurt her I. Must. Protect. Her.
Hey guys been a while soo basically school started again and I really haven't had time to do this but this will change I promise. Also THE DAVID AND RACHAEL MOMENT MADE ME CRY SOOO HARD 😭😭😭😭😭😭

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