Trouble in Paradise

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"Dan it's been three years it's time"
"Serena you are just being paranoid"
"We have to get this checked out"
"We can't agree on anything these days"
"We have to go"
Serena walked away. She got out of the house and walked to her car.
"SERENA" Dan called.
She acknowledged him but didn't stop.
"WHERE are you going" he yelled.
"To our appointment Dan, you get in the car or stay out of it, it's your choice but i'd like to know if i can't be a mother" she screamed.
Dan got in the front seat of the car. They had been trying to have a child for three years now, since the day they were married. They both wanted a lot of kids and their time felt limited at 27. They were now 30. The ride was silent.
Serena pondered what she had done wrong that she could not carry a child. It was 2 years ago she had found out she was pregnant. Yet the agony and despair she felt 4 months in, when she found out her baby boy had miscarried. It wouldn't be right not to name him. They decided on Ryan Andrew Humphrey. Serena glanced at Dan, his nose in his phone. She wondered who he was so aggressively texting. Though deep down she knew who she was whether she wanted to admit it or not. Serena parked the car and took a long pause.
"Serena we're here aren't we"
Serena stayed silent and walked in the the appointment.
"Hi Serena van der Woodsen and Daniel Humphrey" she told the receptionist.
Dan glared at her still mad that she did not change her last name. She did not want to be like her mother, with a new last name every year. Although she insisted her and Dan were forever despite her commitment issues.
"Miss van der Woodsen, Mr Humphrey" the doctor called.
"I hear you're having trouble having kids we'll take a few tests and get back to you in a few days" he added.
After he asked them if they wanted the same or different rooms, Dan and Serena sighed and said separate. They walked out and drove home in silence agonizing the results soon to come.

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