chapter 1

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“Did you have a good day at work?”

Ashton screams and gropes along the wall, reaching for the light switch. He fumbles on the lights to find a blond boy lounging on his ratty old couch. He’s never dealt with an intruder before, and to tell the truth, he wasn’t aware he even owned anything worth breaking in for.

He shakes himself out of his shock, reaching under his jacket and pulling out his gun, instinctively pointing it at the boy. Adrenaline courses through him, a mixture of shock and fear and anger.

The boy ignores him and looks around distastefully, a disgusted look settling over his features. “This place is even worse when I can see it.”

“Get out of my apartment,” Ashton hisses, fists clenching. “Or I shoot.”

“Oh, you can hardly call it an apartment,” the boy says, nose wrinkling. “Do you have rats?”

“What the fuck are you doing here?” Ashton snaps. This is throwing him off. Usually people scram at the merely sight of the gun. He doesn’t have a backup plan.

“Waiting for you. Or, as I hear you say now, chillin’,” the boy says casually, inspecting his nails for no other reason than to further irritate Ashton.

“Get out,” Ashton repeats, shaking with anger, pointing to the door. “Now. Or I’ll shoot, I will.”

“With the gun you’ve never used?” he says with a smirk. “I think I’ll stay awhile.”

“Fuck you,” Ashton says, gritting his teeth. “Get out of my apartment, or I’ll call the police.”

“No, you won’t,” he says knowingly, adjusting to get more comfortable. Ashton almost wants to shoot him just for being such a stuck-up bitch who acts like he knows exactly who Ashton is. “Jesus, have you ever actually sat on this couch?”

“Get. Out.”

“Seriously, now, it’s like the couch is abusing me--”

“I want you to get the fuck out of my apartment!” Ashton screams.

The intruder blinks, a bit bewildered. He looks almost amused. “Don’t be like that, now. We can have a nice time.”

Ashton splutters, hardly believing his ears. “A--a nice time? You broke into my apartment. I shouldn’t even be talking to you. I should have shot you as soon as you opened your goddamn mouth.”

“Hey, hey,” the boy protests, and winces as the couch makes an ominous noise. “Don’t be so uptight. First this morning, and then now.”

Ashton nearly chokes when he realizes he’d seen the boy this morning while he was studying, had snapped at him to stop slurping so loudly. Of course, he’d been wearing sunnies and had been a bit preoccupied, so it makes sense he didn’t recognize him until now.

“Well,” Ashton snaps, regaining his senses. “Fucking forgive me for not wanting to be best buddies after you interrupted my extremely limited and extremely important studying hours. And oh, how could I forget? After you showed up in my fucking apartment!”

“Well, well, well,” the boy says, settling his arms behind his head comfortably. “You’re quite the angry little asshole, aren’t you?”

Neither of them really predicted Ashton raising his gun to the boy’s chest level and cocking it. His finger rests on the trigger, and an expression of determination settles over his features.

“Get off my couch,” Ashton says, breathing low and heavy, “and walk over to the door. Now.”

The intruder doesn’t move. His expression morphs into sober eyes, down-turned mouth. Ashton thinks this is it, that he’s finally won. He’s glad the intruder can’t see his finger shake on the trigger.

Instead, the gun clatters out of Ashton’s uncertain hands to the floor, before sliding away from his feet to the wall, where it comes to a stop.

When Ashton looks up, unarmed and frozen, the boy doesn’t look at him. He looks at the gun still, finger outstretched. His face is unreadable. Ashton’s so unbelievably frightened and he doesn’t know why. The boy is average build, lean, nothing physically threatening, but there’s something dark and Ashton has this incredibly uneasy feeling. If he wasn’t so understandably thrown off by this strange freak incident with his gun, he would assume he was thinking crazy.

“Please--” Ashton starts, but the boy cuts him off with a heavy look.

“I can’t leave,” he says firmly, “and what’s more, I won’t. Consider yourself lucky that you’re not dead yet. I have plans for you, Ashton Fletcher Irwin.”

Ashton doesn’t like the sound of that, and he shivers, cold and afraid.

“You know my name,” Ashton says quietly, not much of a question at all.

“I know a lot of things,” the boy says steadily, and Ashton believes him.

Ashton doesn’t speak, stuck in place. This is like a nightmare. The boy clearly isn’t going anywhere, and Ashton gets the sense that the cards aren’t in his hands. Ashton’s always scared, but he hasn’t been powerless for years now.

“What do you want from me?” Ashton asks softly.

The boy smiles again, and Ashton catches the mischievous glint in his eye.

“It’s better you don’t know,” he says, playing carelessly with the ring stuck in his lower lip. “Now shut up, will you? Say Yes to the Dress is on next, and the bride looks like a total bitch.”


(a/n) this is much shorter than my normal chapters but I couldn't think of a rhyme or reason to make it longer (also I'm tired and I don't want to overthink it) so here is the much awaited start to this fic. super excited.

and i challenge anybody who wants to to make me evil looking luke edits I'll seriously love you anything flies, demon luke, punk edit luke, devil luke, black wings luke, i'll take it

same goes for ashton, I'd love gang ashton edits, bandanas, tattoos, leather jackets etc, anything remotely shady lol

and if you do make me an edit i'll put it up on the side of a chapter I'm just curious because I know some of you make amazing edits and it would make my day

and i'll see you next week. i'm so glad this has started. i love luke as teenage satan. please don't take this as an actual interpretation of the bible because it's really not and i'm not trying to offend anyone, i'm really really not.

thanks friends goodbye xx

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