chapter 3

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“Are you fucking insane?” Ashton shouts at the top of his lungs. “I’m not fucking--Calum!”

Luke glances up from his permanent position on the couch, squinting through the dim light Ashton’s shitty light fixtures give off to see Ashton pacing by the doors leading out to the balcony (which, Luke guess, gives you a fantastic view of the dingy old city as you crash through the termite-eaten wooden planks down about five stories. 10/10 would not recommend). Ashton’s a mess, eyes circled with shadow and hair mussed up, for once released from his red bandana. He’s only wearing sweatpants a grey t-shirt, which allows Luke to see for the first time all the gang-related and personal tattoos littering his arms. He was aware of the ones creeping all the way up his neck from the way his leather jacket parted and the shirt dipped low enough during the day.

It’s two in the morning, and Ashton’s probably waking up all the neighbors.

Ashton hardly even notices Luke watching him. He’s shaking, agitated, unable to keep still or think straight. He might as well be on fire, he’s burning hot and upset.

“Ashton, you know how these things go,” Calum is saying, indifferent. “If they don’t pay, that’s that.”

“No. He’s too young, he doesn’t even know what he’s getting into.”

“Don’t get soft on me.”

You know why I’m still here.

“Look, some way or another the kid’s gonna die. If you don’t take care of it, someone else will take care of it, and you on the way.”

“No, there has to be another way. I’m not doing it, I can’t.”

There’s a silence. Ashton bites at his lip, scratching along his collarbones. “You don’t even know the kid. What does he matter to you?”

“He’s thirteen,” Ashton says desperately, his voice scraping raw. “I’ve been dealing him for a year.”

“It’s like I said,” Calum says, emotionless. “If you don’t do it, I will. But I’m sick of taking care of your problems for you.”


“I’m coming to pick you up in ten minutes. I’ll take care of it for you, but eventually you’re going to have to get it together. You’ll never move up if you don’t take a hit.”

“I don’t want to come, I don’t want to see.”

“Then stay in the fucking car. God, you’re so useless. Goodbye, Ashton. Be ready.”

Calum hangs up and Ashton takes the phone from his ear, staring at it. His first instinct is to throw it at a wall and hope it smashes. It’s such a piece of shit anyway. But he restrains himself, dropping it on the kitchen counter instead.

He looks over at Luke for the first time, glaring. “What?”

“It’s two in the morning.”

“Well, Jesus fuck, I’m so sorry I woke you up,” Ashton snaps. “It’s a little hard to feel sorry for you when you’re such a dick sucking prick.”

Luke shrugs. “I wasn’t asleep, don’t worry.”

“I wasn’t.” Ashton grabs his keys out of the bowl by the door. “I’m leaving. Don’t do anything while I’m gone.”

“Believe me, nothing could make this apartment worse.”

“Fuck off,” Ashton grumbles, and walks out the door, slamming it shut behind him.

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