Chapter 1- Washed Up

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Willow's POV

I woke up on something warm. I stretched and reached to my side for my blanket but was confused when all I felt was grainy sand. I shot up from where I layed on what looked to be a deserted beach. I looked around furiously, confused as to how I got on a beach, until the night's events came rushing back.

The boat rocking, me falling over, me blacking out. And apparently me washing up on a beach. I sat up rightfully. I  looked around, trying to think of what the captain was telling us last night about the surrounding areas.

He said we were surrounded by pure water for atleast 100km. (62.5 miles)

I saw that my dress was ripped to my mid thigh. I sighed, thinking that if I was outside tonight, I was going to freeze! I wiped off the sand off the right side of my face and on un-steady feet I stood up. It wasn't until I was standing and looking at the empty ocean that I knew, I was alone. I felt tears leak down my eyes in fear.

I was alone on a deserted island with God knows what, with who knows what! And for once in my life, I wanted to be back on that boat, surrounded by snobby rish people, and perverted old man. It would atleast mean that I was safe. Not happy, but safe.

I sunk back down into the warm white sand, full on crying now and staring at the water.

A few minutes later, after crying out every single drop of water and still heaving, did I notice something. The sand was white like clean sand always is but the water... the water was green! Pure green! Not green like grass but, neon green!

I stood up, moving away from the mysterious and obvious intoxicated water! I was afraid and felt disgusting knowing that I was floating around in that water for God knows how long!

Yet, I never felt cleaner....?

Finally, being snapped out of my crying festival I stood up again and looked behind me for the first time. What I saw left me breathless.

The jungle behind me was beautiful. The exotic looking trees and plants were so colorful and beautiful I found myself wanting to touch it with my hands. The birds and bugs that made a chorus in the jungle was so beautiful that  I found myself instantely relaxed listening to them. But what really made me breathless was the path that split the jungle. 

Without second thought, I was preparing my lungs to call out for help.

"HELLO! IS ANYONE OUT THERE?!" I stopped yelling for a second, feeling my raw throat burn with the effort. I waited a few more seconds to listen for a response, but to my surprise, 3 women walked out from the path and rushed over to me.

They were such beautiful woman, all three of them that I felt ugly in comparison. But what really shocked was the fact that all 3 were stark nude.

They rushed up to me but first stopped and took a leaf off a plant and rushed over to me. The surrounded me and before I knew it, the leaf was over my eyes and mouth, stunning me.  I could no longer see anything and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't yell or scream for help. With 6 hands against my 2 hands which were blind,  the placed the leaves on all of my joints: my shoulders, elbows, wrist, and finally knees. That is when I fell to the ground, and the last thing I heard before they placed touched my ears with the leaves was: " Quick, we must bring her to the king."

Though I was immobile and blind, I could still feel the wind and their hands on my limbs. I felt one pair of soft hands on calfs, the other at my hips and finally another pair on my shoulders.

I was afraid I didn't know where I was being taken and I was petrified of who I was going to meet. If the women on this island were naked and as impulsive and quick and beautiful and all and out dangerous what was the king going to be like?

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