Q-and-A #28

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(Question by The_Pansexual_KO)

(Question by The_Pansexual_KO)

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T.K.O.: I...I don't know if I can do that... *sigh* But...I'm at least gonna find out if she even likes me. *walks over to Maddie* Hey, Maddie?

Maddie: Hm? Oh, hey.

T.K.O.: I-I wanted to ask you something...

Maddie: Okay. What is it?

T.K.O.: Do...do you even like me?

Maddie: What? Of course I like you!

T.K.O.: Y-you do?

Maddie: Yeah! What made you think I didn't?

T.K.O.: Well...you always mess with me and argue with me.

Maddie: T.K.O., I mess with everyone. But I never meant anything bad by it.

T.K.O.: ...oh.

Maddie: Sorry about arguing with you, though.

T.K.O.: It's fine. And...uh...

Maddie: What?

T.K.O.: *hugs her* Thanks...

Maddie: *blushes a little* Uh, no problem.

Keep asking questions, guys!

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