An open letter for myself.

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Dear younger Amber,

It's me, Amber from 2018-2019.

Let's clear some bullsh*t up before you begin to do some of that bullsh*t.

1. Stay the hell away from Nick. Spare yourself some depressing ish. Tho, if you ignore my advice, use your pain and write it down in the form of "forgiveness...I can't imagine."

2. When people begin to bully you, block all of them out. Don't go to the teacher. She's the mom of your future crush. And he will know all about that.

3. When you graduate from your first 6 years of school, keep up that intelligent shield. They used to call you nerd because you like to read. Keep reading, that nickname will make you even more intellectual. It'll help you in those moments when you feel down.

4. Speaking of that, you're not dumb. I know you failed your Latin exams and they made you feel like you should drop out. You're not dumb, you've got high IQ levels. Don't ever forget that.

5. Give your Latin teacher some time to warm up. The first year she will tell you that you should give up. But the second year she will believe in you.

6. Your math teachers always have and will believe in you.

7. Protect Ilke. She's going to enter a toxic friendship. Tell her that she can always find a place in your heart.

8. Don't ever doubt your sexuality when you're sure of it. If your family loves you, they will accept you.

And lastly

9. Listen to the advice of your classmate:

"I know this cool app!"

"You would actually do great on wattad. You're always...thinking,"

Sincerely, me


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