Chapter 1

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Harry is still wearing the same outfit, but I did a time skip for school, cause school is boring.

(I'm doing first person in this since people agreed on it)



Hazza's POV

I was walking home when all of a sudden a car pulled up next to me. I looked at it weird before continuing to walk, a little faster than before, but not really thinking anything of it.

I was walking, and due to my long hair and style, I think that the person inside the car thought I was a girl. They rolled down the window, and thats when I booked it. I was in heels so it was pretty difficult to run, but I still kept running.

I was put to a stop when someone grabbed my arm. I turned around and saw Taylor's dad, Scott Swift. "Why hello there Mr. Styles. How are you doing?" He asked me, like he didn't have a death grip on my arm.

"I would be fine, if you would let go of my arm instead squeezing it like its a stress ball." I saidto him, as he finally let go. I turned towards him, crossing my arms. "So what's the hustle?" I asked sassily. "There's no hustle, what makes you think there's a hustle?" I looked at him with a look that got my words across.

"Whaaat? Can I not just come see my daughters bestfriend?" I looked at him disgusted, I would most likely gag if I had a gag reflex. "Ok, first off, Taylor is NOT my friend. Second off, what in the ACTUAL FUCK would make you think me and her are friends?"

He looked at me shocked, I was waiting on my answer until I saw the snake herself rise from the ground. "Daddy! What's taking so long?" I looked at her with a disgusted face and turned to walk off, I felt the presence of a hand near my wrist so I twirled, making it look like I avoided it on accident.

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I walked in and saw my mom on the couch watching TV. "Hi mummy!" I said, smiling at her. She smiled back, opening her arms. I ran into her arms, smiling super big. I was always a Mama's Boy, I had to be, since my "dad" really wasn't supportive.

Gemma came downstairs, and she screamed running towards me. She knocked both me and her down, my mom witnessing it. She took a picture of us, since she has cameras literally everywhere around the house for "Family Memories" as she calls it. Gemma got off me, and we both started giggling, my mom soon joining in.

Robin came into the kitchen ruining our moment. Gemma got up, bringing me with her. She started dragging me to her room. "UUUUUGH! What do you want know?" Harry whined. All he wanted to do was listen to music, but she HAD to drag him into her room.

"Sooo~! I was thinking, how about we go to the mall?" She asked me, and I nodded excitedly. "Yes! Ive been wanting to go for the longest time but all my friends were busy." I said to her as her facial expression changed to a confused one. "I'm scared something might happen and plus I don't have a car." I said to her.

"So, tell me what happened at school today."

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"So I'm sitting there, barbeque sauce on my titties," Gemma falls back, kicking her legs, sounding like a motorcycle. I started laughing as well, holding my stomach. And let me tell you, it was not pretty. "That came out of nowhere!" She said, still catching her breath.

(Her laugh honestly sounds just like mine.




"Yeah, but let's go ahead and go to the mall." She said. I grabbed her wrist, bringing her back to the bed. "In that outfit, your not going anywhere with me." I said, walking over to her closet. "Oh. My. Lord." I said shocked at the monstrosity called her closet, containing items she DARE call clothes.

"Ok, so, look, I have to let you borrow my clothes and- I swear to God if you get ONE DROP OF SOMETHING ON THAT OUTFIT! Your life will end today. Okay?" I said the last part innocently. Its a tactic that makes fear rush into someone's body.

"O-O-O-Ok." She stuttered out, probably scared for her life. We walked to my room, passing Robin on the way there. I walked past him, having no intentions of speaking to him. That was until he grabbed my arm harshly. What is up with people grabbing me today?!

Gemma immediately went for his hand and I gave her a look that said "don't". I made tears come to my eyes in a snap, quickly calling for mom. "Mummy! He's hurting me!" I yelled tears streaming down my face. He was about to hit me when Mum came into the room.

"Robin. What are you doing?" She said, words laced with venom. He let go of me by pushing me, making me almost fall, and me being the club person I am, did fall. "Don't push him you ignora-" I walked over to her, helping her calm down. "I leaned in to hug her, I did and whispered in her ear:

"Divorce papers." I whispered to her, waiting for her response. "What do you mean?" (Don't you fucking dare.) She asked, and I don't know if she was genuinely confused or not. "Its obvious you want to be with Nathan, so I'll go get the papers while me and Gemma are out." I pulled back from the hug, seeing that Robin was still there.

"So, how about it?" I asked, she nodded excitedly, and I glad to see her happy again. "Alright Gemma, let's go." I said dragging her to my room. "Ok, so, I was going to let you go looking like that, but it would be rude, so, I'll give you a outfit to wear for today." I said, looking for a outfit I didn't really value.

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