I'M BACK!!!! ;)

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You may be wondering why I was gone from Wattpad for like forever! Well...Two words for each reason...



Alright, so.. ugh High School 10th grade stress... ;)

The MAIN reason that I was gone was because my tablet just decided it wanted to turn off and not turn back on.
Well, it's back alive! I guess it just needed a month or so to cool down or something...
That's why I disapeared though, and you might want to go follow my other account in case something like this happens again.   I-am-with-Team-RWBY is my other account...
I started a story on there while my tablet was in heaven for a month.   XD

So... yeah.

I have a lot of catching up to do on here... like my ART BOOK!!!   Yeah, I drew a ton of stuff.... I'll post it soon enough!! Don't worry!   ;)

I am glad to be back... I missed my other tablet. I have two tablets now because my sis gave me her tablet while my other one was.... yeah you know!  ;)

See ya later, guys and gals, my MiniKirbyMasters!!!   XD

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2018 ⏰

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