Our King

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( This is about our father , lord, teacher, our king ) who died for us all
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth .
God knew us before we even knew who we are . he created adam and eve . Adam was made out of dirt when he toke he first breath on earth God told Adam to not eat from the tree that was bad and he obey our king . then our king made Eve which was Adams partner they didn't have clothes like we do . but Adam and Eve did everything for our king they obeyd him . until one day Eve went to the tree of fruite that was bad . Satan was a snake that wisperd to eve to eat the fruite and she did . She gave the fruite to Adam and he ate it as well. And they sinned .so God told Adam that He will work with no stop . and eve would bleed and give birth to children . but do not be ashamed that we sin on earth because our king saved us and forgives us all no matter what . because he is OUR KING and is the KING .

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