our first breath on earth

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We was made by our king our father .
And before we all have taken our first breath on earth . imagine this ...
Mary carried our saviour and our king till birth .when mary gave birth to Jesus all the people came down to give him he's gift they knew that Jesus when he came into the world they knew he was Our king before we was even born in our time .
When Jesus toke he's first breath he did a lot for us all the day he came into the world and to the day he died for us . but when he made us he knew what we would look like and what we would do on earth everything he knew everything about us all before we came into our mother's wombs .
So when we token our first breath in this world be happy we did why?
Because some of the baby's don't get to have their first breath on this earth
We should be thankful for our first breath until our last breath .

Jesus Blood that spread for love Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora