I wanted to write about the last day of camp

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Max was absolutely pissed. Last day of camp meant he had to help clean something, and he really wasn't about that. And when he tried hiding in a tree, David pulled him down and told him he had to help. So now Max was on his hands and knees in between Nikki and Neil, scrubbing the floor with a brush. 

"This sucks!" Max threw the brush on the ground. "We're doing child labor the last day of summer camp! We have school in like a week! We can do work then!" 

"We are not having another Camp Cool Kids epidemic, pick up your brush." Gwen flipped a page in her magazine. 

"I agree with you Max." Neil sighed. "But we can't just form a revolution against David and Gwen again, you remember what happened last time." 

"I think revolution on the last day would be fun!" Nikki smiled. "Let's do it! ANARCHY!" Nikki got to her feet and screamed. But, they were the only people in the hall.

"No anarchy. Look, the only reason we make you kids clean is because we don't want to." Gwen stood up. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to take a nap and act like my life doesn't currently exist." She left the hall and practically slammed the door behind her.

"You two aren't even going to the same school as me." Max groaned and laid back, crossing his arms over his chest. "I have to venture through high school with my brother and his dumb ass Jewish friend."

"I'm Jewish." Neil looked down.

"Yeah. You're my dumb ass Jewish friend!" 

"What am I?" Nikki leaned forward a little.

"You're kinda like my pet dog, ya' know? Like, you're energetic and fucking annoying sometimes but I guess I love you? In a platonic way?" Max rubbed his eyes and sat up again. "Whatever. Let's just fucking finish cleaning so I can actually drown myself in the lake cause I know that David's gonna have to drive me home again." 

So the kids finished cleaning and did just that, well, not the drowning part, but they were chilling by the lake. Slowly, every camper was being taken away by their parents, until it was just Nikki and Neil sitting on either side of Max. They were looking out into the lake, just enjoying each other's company. Then, Nikki's mom showed up. She licked the boys goodbye and bounced away. Then, Neil's dad was there. Neil and Max said their goodbyes and hopes of seeing each other next summer. Neil promised to call Max, and maybe convince his dad to let them hang out. Max shrugged and looked at the lake. No one came for him. Neither of his parents and neither of his brothers. Or so he thought. A pair of arms wrapped around him, and a small laugh reached his ears.

"Hey Maxi, you wanna head home?" His brother. Max couldn't even hide the smile on his face.

"I didn't think you were gonna come, Micha." Max pushed Michael off and stood up.

"Oh come on! You know the only reason I never came to get you was because Julia and Deric never told me when I was supposed to come pick you up! I love you, dude. I'd never leave you here on purpose. And if I'm being perfectly honest, the red head kinda freaks me out." Michael knelt down next to his little brother. Red and blue hoodies covered them. 

"I missed you." Max sighed as they walked up the hill. 

"I missed you too, Max." Michael ruffled the blueberry's hair.

"No, like, you're the only person I missed. I would say I missed Sam, but he really doesn't like us." 

"Yeah." Michael laughed a little. "He went off to college over the summer. He won't bother us 'til Christmas!" 

"Really?" Max sounded surprisingly hopeful. 

"Yup!" Michael smiled. The boys climbed into Michael's PT Cruiser. "You want a slushie?"

"I swear, you're like an addict but worse." Max sighed.

"You want one or not?"


The boys arrived at their house that night at around ten. Michael, of course, got into another fight with their parents when they saw the rainbow patch on his hoodie. Max rolled his eyes and walked up to his room, slamming the door shut behind him. 

Yeah, the last day of camp was just great.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2018 ⏰

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