Chapter 1

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"What in the fuck" Brando said as he came down the stairs.
Me: What?
Brando: My game just fucking broke
Me: Damn you alright?
"Motherfucker does it look like I'm alright?" Brando said with a straight face as he put on some shoes .
Me: Where you going?
Brando: To GameStop
"Aye what's for breakfast" Adrian said as he walked into the living room.
Me: I don't know
"Man this some old bitch ass bullshit" Brando said as he left and slammed the door. "The fuck wrong with him" Johnny asked as he walked into our house as Brando was leaving.
Adrian: I don't even know. I think something about a game
"Any word from Mike yet" I asked Johnny as i sat down on the couch eating a bowl of cereal.
Johnny: Nah not yet. I think he went on vacation
Adrian: Shit about time I got tired of putting my life on the line
Johnny: How do you think I feel?
Me: We all can agree... We love mike not being around
"I almost thought I was missed for a moment" Mike said as he walked into our house.
Adrian: Ever heard of knocking?
Johnny: Yeah for real
"O hell nah not this motherfucker" Brando said as he came back in with a new ps4.
Mike: Am i that hated?
Brando: Motherfucker I just bought this damn game and hear yo bitch ass come with the bullshit dawg
Mike: Wow... Here my "bitch ass" come with the "bullshit" well last time i checked my "bullshit" pays yo BITCH ASS the money to get a new fucking game
Brando: Well lemme take my "Bitch ass" up these stairs and play my game then
Me: So why you hear Mike?
Mike: I need another favor
"Uh uh My name not captain save a bitch" Brando said as he went up the stairs.
Adrian: We listening to ya Mike
Mike: It's this dude named Paul Givenchi
Me: What about him?
Mike: He's a nationwide terrorist, Serial killer, Human trafficker and....
"And what doe's that have to do with us?" Johnny said as he cut off mike
Mike: It has everything to do with us he poses a big threat to us now
Me: What you mean by "us"?
Mike: He has created this thing called "God's Eye"
Adrian: God's Eye?
Mike: It's a super computer, one that can hack into all type's of surveillance camera's and systems. It can track down and locate anything and anyone by their phone numbers, computers all of that, It can controll cars and planes it is a serious threat
Johnny: Okay that is serious
Mike: Yes it is and I need you guys to stop Him. I have all the money, car's, weapons and all the expenses covered the FBI just need's him dead
Me: Okay so how are we supposed to do that?
Mike: Any means necessary that's up to you guy's
Me' We need a lead or something how are we suppose to kill him if we don't know where he's at
Mike: He's heading to Los Angeles to hit up a computer warehouse. The God Eye isn't finished yet it's still in production you guys have time get there and kill him
Me: And when do we have the green light?
"Now! What are you guys waiting on" Mike said as he left.
Me: Well Brando it looks like your game is gonna have to wait
"Fuck" Brando said as he came down the stairs looking mad

Jdai Story Part 9Where stories live. Discover now