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          Christmas came by quickly, their time together made them closer but John had to go and see his family this year.

"Youre going away for christmas?" Sherlock's eyes begged for John to stay but his lips formed an unmoving line.

"Well, yes. I-"

"I suppose the H in your name stands for Heartless." Sherlock glared at John before John started to laugh.

"Sherlock, Ive spent every christmas with you up to this year." John's laughter died down some, turning into soft chuckles. Sherlock furrows his brows.

"But I've got you something." He frowned down at the shorter man, takikg in his features trying to read his reaction.

"You could give it to me now..?" John held his hand out in an asking manner and Sherlock didnt even glance. His eyes shifted back to the normal emotionless and lost glare.

"No thank you. I will return it tomorrow morning." He stepped past John and into his room, the door slamming loudly.

John sighed and sat down, looked at their halfway decorated flat. the knly thing that was left was a tree and lights.


John paced the living room of his parents' house, bored without Sherlock.

[03:46 PM] Bored.   SH

[03:47 PM] Ive been gone not even a day.

[03:47 PM] Yes, a few hours too long. I know you arent having fun. Comeback.    SH

[03:49 PM] Sherlock it's my family.

[03:49 PM] I consider you family.    SH

[03:49 PM] Youre the most family like person I know.     SH

John paused and sighed, telling his mother he had to leave. Soemthing from work had come up.

[04:23 PM] Open the door I left my keys in there.

John heard a series of thumps and scrambling of feet, then the door opened quickly and roughly.

"John." Sherlock greeted, trying to straighten out his hair from falling.

"Sherlock." John smiled warmly at the taller man and stepped inside, walking up into their shared flat. Lestrade, Molly, Ms. Hudson, and Mycroft sat by the tree, half of them standing with drinks in hand. They all turned and greeted John, smiling and being overall happy.

Sherlock sipped a warm tea and sat in his chair watching John intently.

[05:02 PM] i miss u :(    SH

John looked at his phone and chuckled looked at it confused.

[05:03 PM] Im across the room.

Sherlock sighed and teasingly gave John a cold glare and stood up to the kitchen, hoping John would follow. And he did, John and Sherlock stood in the messy room and stared at each other.

"John I-" Sherlock's eyes squeezed shut and he sighed heavily at John's phone ringing. As he answered it he saw the name 'Mary'. He scoffed and walked away, hurt on the inside.

Lestrade and him were talking about a murder case, John's chair sat with a weirdly shaped orange balloon with a face. Sherlock thought the face was drawn on poorly, but still. John made it so he kept it.

He knew what Mycroft said about caring; it isnt an advantage.


It was late and Mycraft had just left after a lengthy discussion about Sherlock getting into trouble so much, John was knocked out on the couch and Ms. Hudson had just left downstairs. Sherlock picked up his belived violin and started playing a song he was composing.

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