part four

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Taehyung honestly felt like crying

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Taehyung honestly felt like crying. His heart felt heavy, his mind empty of any meaningful thoughts. He sat in his room, staring at the wall, his phone in his hand, Jungkook's chat opened.

He was about to confess. He had been ready. He was going to ask him out. But manager-nim had to ruin everything. Taehyung wanted hit something. He wanted kick and scream and throw a tantrum. But for what?

All because he was lovesick?

That isn't a valid enough reason.

Taehyung thought. He was realizing just how in love with Jungkook he was. It was so much that it hurt.

But still.

He felt like he could do anything for that boy. Anything. He would quit his job. He would book flight tickets to some far away island where they could be with each other forever.

But that was just irrational. Taehyung was in way over his head. He couldn't do that. If he was rejected by Jungkook? Taehyung was almost completely convinced that Jungkook would say no. That he would tell him that they should stay friends. But he couldn't! He didn't want to ruin their friendship, but he couldn't stay his friend! Taehyung wanted more.

He needed more.

He needed more

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For the past two hours, Jungkook had been staring at his phone screen waiting for an answer from his crush.

Did Tae get in trouble because of me? Did he get fired? Omo, he must hate me now!

"Good work Jungkook, you lost a friend, now you have no chance with him," Jungkook chucked his phone onto his bed in frustration.

One side of Jungkook was telling him to go for it. To just tell him, asking him what he was afraid of.

But the other side was his inner critic.

You're not good enough anyway. He doesn't even like you. He was going to tell you to never come back. Might as well.

Jungkook tried to shake off the negativity. He didn't want to give up so easily. That just wasn't who he was.

When his phone buzzed, he literally launched himself towards where it had landed on his mattress

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When his phone buzzed, he literally launched himself towards where it had landed on his mattress. His face immediately spread into a smile.

Jungkook typed faster than the speed of light

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Jungkook typed faster than the speed of light.

Jungkook typed faster than the speed of light

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Taehyung swallowed.


Jungkook took a deep breath in order to calm his sudden adrenaline burst.

He cautiously pressed the call button. Taehyung picked up before the first ring went all the way through.


Taehyung voice seemed tired.

"Hey, Taehyung, whats up?" he listened to Taehyung's breathing, it was slow and heavy.

"I-I can't tell you over the's too important...i-it means too much to me,"

Jungkook himself began becoming out of breath.


The boys were shocked at how much affect the other had on themselves. Their hearts pumping blood at an alarming rate. Their bodies heated from just hearing each other's voices over the phone.


"Me too," Jungkook managed to get out. "I have something, something really important to tell you too,"

"Okay, let's meet, somewhere, anywhere,"

Jungkook slowly grinned. "How about we meet over some munchkins."

one step closer...

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