Chapter 16

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"Oh my gosh. I'm getting married today."

"Get up, get out of bed!" She dragged me out of bed and pushed me in the bathroom. "Take a quick shower."

I did as I was told and put on a t-shirt and athletic shorts. Mairead had a small breakfast set out for me. She was busy talking on the phone and cooking. When she finally hung up she walked over to the table and sat next to me. I swear, her eyes where never that big in her whole life.

"Addison, I just got off the phone with the wedding dress company." She was talking so fast I could barley understand her. "They said to meet at the hotel right next to the chapel. I also think-"

"Woah, slow down." I said cutting her off.

"Sorry, I'm really nervous and excited!"

"I know, I know. So am I."

"Okay anyways." She took a deep breath and said slower, "We have to be at the hotel in less than an hour."

The rest of the meal we ate in silence. I was still trying to process that I was getting married to a guy I don't like. I wished it was Blake.

How could I forget? I thought. I pulled out my phone and decided to call Blake. I walked to my bed room and closed the door. The phone rang and finally he picked up.

"Hey babe, is something wrong? It's really early." He said in his morning voice.

"Blake, I'm sorry." I said as a tear fell from my eye.

"What?" He was confused.

"I'm getting married today."

There was no response, just silence. I waited for him to say something but there was nothing. "Blake I love you." Was the only thing I could say before I exploded with tears. His sniffles told me he was crying.

"Blake, it's okay to cry. I am the worst girl friend ever! You know I love you right?!"

"Yes." He whispered.

"Blake talk to me. Tell me everything's going to be okay."

"Addison, I don't know what the future holds for us but I do know one thing. I know," He paused, "I know we will have a future. We will have a future because 'we' aren't ending today. I will stay with you if you stay with me. Who knows, you an Liam might not have a future for very long." He was trying to comfort me but instead he was comforting himself. "Nothing can come between us."

I sighed and said, "Thank you Blake."

"Love?" He asked. "I have to tell you something."

"Go on."

"I'm moving to America. I got a job there and everything." I was shocked. "I'm sorry I told you on your big day."

"Um. It's okay I guess. We'll talk about it later, bye." I hung up the phone so I wouldn't start crying again. I was leaning on my door and I looked up to the ceiling.

Daddy, I thought. Why did you do this to me?

I say there for who knows how long. I was staring at the ceiling trying to forget about the world. I didn't want this day to continue. I didn't want any day to happen. All I wanted was this moment to last forever. I wanted to stay there on the floor of my bed room and forget about the world crumbling around me.

A soft knock broke my train of thought. I stood up and opened it. Mairead was standing there with tears in her eyes.

"I heard the conversation with you and Blake, I'm so sorry."

"There's nothing that can be done now. Lets just get this over with."

We walked to the car and got in. The drive to the hotel was the longest drive if my life. Thoughts spun around in my head and butterflies flew in my stomach. I had no idea what to expect, this could be the worst day of my whole life, or it might not be that bad. We pulled up to the hotel and got out. A limo was parked in front of the hotel.. Mairead quickly got out of the car and came to my side. From where we where standing you could see the chapel. There where photographers and wedding planers running round finishing everything. The wedding was in 3 hours but there was still a lot to do.

"Hello!! Hello!" A lady came out of the hotel front door. She was caked with make up and way to happy for this early in the morning. Her outfit was very bright and her hair was done up in a weird bun thing that looked like a birds nest.

"Addison, right?" She asked as her hand flew in between us.

"Yes." I shook the fragile hand. She grabbed mine and took off. The lady dragged me up to my room and sat me down on a huge chair. She spun me around and there was a mirror with lights outlining it.

"Gosh! What the heck?" I said. I wasn't in the best mood.

"Oh I'm sorry love! I didn't even introduce myself! I'm Amy."

"Hello Amy. Why are you so eager to put make up all over my face? I'll look ridiculous!"

"Nonsense! Your mother wanted me to get make up and hair done as soon as possible so we could have time for pictures!"

"Oh gosh. Pictures?" I said as Mairead walked through the door. I could tell she was freaked out by Amy as much as I was.

"Yes, Addison! You need to have your pictures taken before the wedding." She was still way to happy. Amy positioned the chair so I couldn't see myself in the mirror. There where a couple other chairs in the room and Mairead sat on the one closest to me. A table was placed next to my chair. On it, all types of make up where laid out.

"Lets get started!" She squealed. She took out a brush and put some cold fluid on it and rubbed it all over my face and neck. She continued to put make up on. An hour and a half later she was done. She spun me around so I could see my reflection.

"Woah." I said. I looked at my face. It wasn't bad, I looked really nice. Even though I looked fake I knew my mother would be happy with it.

"You like it?" Amy asked.

"Yea, I do." I said.

"Great! Now it's hair time!" She started bridging through my knotty hair. Another hour later it was compleat. She did my hair in a perfect French Braid. My mother came into the room and gasped when she saw me.

"Oh Addison!" She said. "You look so beautiful! Now let's get your dress on." Another lady walked into the room.

"Hi sweetheart. My names Sarah and I'm helping you with your wedding dress." She said as she took the huge dress out if a bag.

Once I had my dress on I looked in the mirror. It took me a second to process I was looking at myself. Sarah put a veil on my head and helped me with my shoes.

"You look stunning!" Mairead said standing next to me.

"Thank you Mairead. How much longer until the pictures?" I asked Amy who was still cleaning up.

"Well if you're ready, now." She smiled. I nodded and my mother went down stairs to tell the photographer I was ready. It was all very strange, the attention. I didn't like it. Mairead helped me to the elevator. We rode in silence because both of us where to nervous for the day to come.

The elevator doors opened and a tall skinny man was waiting with my mother. He had huge glasses and blond hair. His pale skin made his freckles look dark.

He gasped when he saw me and said, "Oh!! You are so beautiful! Come, come! Lets take your pictures!" He said enthusiastically.

I smiled at him as he lead us to a small garden. He told me where to stand and what to look like. When we were finished he clapped his hands.

"I am so happy for you!" He said as he kissed both of my cheeks.

"Thank you." I said with a warm smile. I was ready to get married.

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