Chapter Two

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The door closed and Luke rubbed his sweaty hands down his jeans. With a huge smile on his face, he muttered a hi or hello or maybe both, he was so nervous he could barley think.

" Hello. Hi." Luke said grinning at her. She smiled back.

"Hi. I'm Elise. Looks like we're soulmates huh?" She said followed by a nervous laugh. Luke delivered a quick laugh as well.

"Elise? That's a pretty name, very suiting. Not that I'm saying you're pretty and I'm only attracted to your looks, I'm sure you're a wonderful person. Wait I mean you are pretty. Very pretty and I would like uh-"

"-It's fine." Elise said coming closer. She found his nervous shyness adorable. As she stuck her hand out for a shake, Luke opened his up for a hug. "Oh!" They both said awkwardly changing positions to only cause more confusion. Elise put her arms down and gave a little laugh as she sat down next to Luke whose face was as red as a glowing ruby.



"My name's Luke by the way! I can't believe I didn't mention it."

"I know." His eyes lit up.

"Yeah duh. Sorry I shouldn't ha-uh are you a fan?" Elise shifted uncomfortably in her spot.

"As of today?" Elise answered looking down slightly ashamed.

"Sorry, I can tell that question probably made you feel uncomfortable. I swear to God that I'm not selfish like that just...just." Shit. Luke was totally blowing this whole first meeting. She was probably wondering why she got stuck with him. She looks sort of sad now. Dammit. Say something Luke say something...

Elise interrupted his thoughts, "No you're fine. I just feel bad. A fan should have been matched with you or something."

"Honestly, I'm relieved you're not a hardcore fan." Her face lit up and it made Luke feel accomplished.

"You are?" she asked in a small voice. He nodded. He loved his fans, but he always felt like they gave more to him then he could ever return. He was still getting used to the whole idea of having fans to be honest.

"Well that's a relief." He smiled at her. Elise looked more relaxed and opened.

"So. Tell me about yourself." Luke suggested. Elise shrugged.

"What do you want to know?"

"I mean I'll probably learn-we have all the time. Honestly, I just want to know everything. Was that creepy? Yeah it-I'm sorry I'm rambling again. Let's start simple-favorite book?" Elise just laughed in response, causing Luke to feel a loss of self confidence.

"What did I say something wrong?"

"No," Elise said through a breathy laugh, "You just said so much in one was cute." She said the red getting to her cheeks. Elise glanced at Luke to see that the blushing was contagious. He had a huge grin on his face. Elise decided to speak to make the whole situation less awkward. "Uh so anyway, the book question. Probably The Fault In Our Stars."

"Hmm. How cliché of you." Luke mockingly said. Elise laughed. "Favorite color?" Luke asked.


"What kind?" asked Luke. Elise's brows furred together in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, what kind of blue? There's a million different types of blues-ocean blue, sky blue, blueberry blue-blue like my hair?"

"Your hair's not blue?"

"I know, I was seeing if you were paying attenion." Luke said smirking. Elise smiled.

"Well, then uh I guess sky blue." Luke nodded at her answer.

"Favorite band?" he asked.

"What is this an interview?" Elise said jokingly. Luke shrugged, still grinning.

"Uhh...I have no idea."

"C'mon just say something..." Luke half grinned at her " know there's this really awesome band."

"Hmm?" Elise hummed in question. She was curious to know his thoughts as she had not gotten a chance for any questions of her own.

"Yeah they're called 5 Seconds Of Summer I think." Luke said as Elise rolled her eyes. They laughed for a little while and Elise was glad he was feeling open enough to joke around.

"Maybe I'll listen to their album sometime." Luke grinned at her comment.

'"I could hook you up, I know a guy"

"Sure. I'd like that." Elise smiled.

"Hey you wanna get out of here?" Luke tested. Elise nodded, smiling. He helped her up and headed out the door.


"You're kidding." Luke said laughing. Elise shook her head wishing she was.

"I kid you not! I fell twice! In front of the whole school! Blood was everywhere!" Elise was telling Luke one of her most embarrassing stories of when she was a cheerleader and how she fell during a pep rally. They had to stop the music as she had gotten a bloody nose.

"I wish I could've seen you as a cheerleader." Luke smirked. She shook her head.

"I would've severely injured you accidentally in seconds." They shared a small laugh and took sips from the frozen hot chocolate they were sharing. They were at a small 24 hour café away from any big attractions so they could talk privately. Luke yawned. "What time is it?"

Elise checked her phone noting several notifications from Marley.

"12:03 am...I can't believe we've been talking so long." She answered.

"I feel like I could talk to you forever." Luke said sheepishly. Elise smiled. He was so cheesy yet so adorable.

"I better call Marley." He nodded calling someone on his own phone. Marley's call went to voicemail, she was probably asleep. That was one downside of sharing an apartment with her; she went to bed early and got up early.
"Hey Marley, sorry I'm so late be there soon!"
Elise glanced over at Luke who was waiting for her.
"Ready to go?" She nodded as they started walking outside. "The boys already left for the hotel on the tour bus so I'll have to show you it another time."

"Okay." Elise said getting into the passenger seat of a borrowed car that read "Modest!" on the side.

"This has been the greatest night of my life." Luke said holding her hand.

"Really?" Elise asked. He gently traced the gem in her wrist and smiled at her.

"Sounds cheesy but yes really. I met you." Elise breathed, speechless to what to say next. Luke was two inches away from her face. All her worries and fears were gone as she felt his lip ring on her bare lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2014 ⏰

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