Best Friends

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A/N- Hi, so this is my first story and don't hate me if it's awful... idek

Lafayette's point of view:
    Me and Hercules had been friends since we first met freshman year in high school. I was a transfer student from France and barely spoke any English. Hercules was my guide around the school and I had a crush on him as soon as I saw him. However I haven't seen him since I moved back to France two years ago when my father died and we fell out of touch. I don't even know what college he is going to, if he's going at all.
     When my taxi pulls up in front of the campus I hop out and grab my stuff from the trunk. I walk into the main building and stand in front of reception desk where a girl with brown hair wearing a baby blue sweater is sitting talking on the phone. "Omg Peggy you better run I just got of the phone with Angelica and boy is she pissed off-" She looks up and quickly said bye to whoever she was talking to and checked me in. "Hi I'm Eliza, your room is 1776, have a nice day!" I smiled, and said "Merci beaucoup!" over my shoulder as I walked away.
     As I was walking to the dorms building a tall kid who looked about 19 like me, ran into me and knocked my books over. "Hey! Regardez où vous allez!" I looked up as I picked up my textbook and felt my face go pale. "Sainte merde c'est vraiment toi?!"
The boy looked at me and awkwardly smiled "Sorry it's been years since I last heard someone speak French I don't understand it very well" Then he froze for a minute as stared at my face, then suddenly shot up and ran off.
   Oh well, I was probably seeing things anyway, there was no way Hurc could be here... right?

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