Episode 10: The Finale

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Agbeke was barren for years before she had Eniaje. She had children before her but they all died at infancy. It was certain they were all abiku. She had to do some rituals before she could have a kokumo. She was warned not to give her an abiku name else she'd die also. The previous night, when she had been possessed by the spirit of Osa'n Ireti, the covenant to trap spirits in Eniaje's body was reactivated. Eniaje's spirit was lost and her body caged Osa'n unknown to her.
Iyeri was now in Asake's house. The men that had tried to go in to get as much evidence as they could had died in their attempt.
Baba Lakoku went in, for the first time in ages, a Baba Lakoku met Iyeri joyous along with her daughter.
He spent quite a while in there and feasted with the gods. One thing was imminent. The Iyeri festival.
This time it was to be different... there were two gods.
Iyeri Ireti... goddess of the river. Osa'n Ireti... goddess of the land.


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