1. "Why would you care?"

52 3 2

Andrea's POV

It's been 3 days since Namjoon moved in, with nothing but the clothes on his back. Since given the room, he hasn't stepped out. Not even a word. He just went in and was never seen again.

I feel bad. I know I shouldn't but I can't help it. He just got out and it feels like he's putting himself back.

I bring my fist up knocking on his door lightly.

I know for a fact that Taehyung will be extremely pissed at what I'm doing but I can't let Namjoon starve to death. He just got here. He's the villain. But he's also a human being and no matter how many times Tae says it, he is a brother.

Taehyung's gone out to work. Taedae is upstairs sleeping. Namjoon is starving.. I'm not even sure if he even bathed..

I knock again and hold onto the handle. I slowly enter his room with the food. He's facing the window sitting on his wheelchair, the bed is made and the room looks clean. Has he even moved?

He turns his head around, when his eyes meet mine he looks stunned.


He uses the little button on his wheelchair to turn around. The chair turns slowly reveling he's black clothes that he had since that day. He hasn't changed at all...is he planning to die or something.

"Uhm, hi," I give a half smile placing the noodles, cookies and chips with cold drink on the bed side table. While placing the tray down I notice him taking a nearby pillow covering his lap.

I stand up straight looking at him anxiously. His mouth twitches to a half smile.

"I thought, that I could bring you some food," I look down shamefully. It's been three days and only now do I bring him food.

"Thank you." I meet his eyes dark empty eyes. "You didn't have to go through this trouble for me, your prisoner,"

"You're not a prisoner," I shake my head coughing awkwardly. "I put some water in the bath, it's just down the hall on your right. Uhm, I also got some of Tae's clothes, large sizes just in case,"

His eyes travel down my body before licking his lips. "Is he here?"

"Taehyung? No. He went to work," I conclude.

"Does he know you're giving me food and a bath?"

It sounds so wrong when he says it like that. Like I've gone against Taehyung's orders or something. Which I'm not. Taehyung never said Namjoon should close himself off-- in fact we said nothing to him other then told him about his room.

"I take it as a no," he chuckles. "Honestly Andrea, I like that you've got your own mind and aren't... Too obedient,"

I pay no mind to what he says as I give him some room to pass with his chair. His eyes light up at the food.

"Thank you very much,"

I nod my head turning to leave. I quickly go up the stairs to Taedae'a room. He is still peacefully sleeping. I get back to my room going back on the bed to my laptop, getting ready to finish up my task.

It's late afternoon, the sun just went down. I enter back in Namjoon's room hoping to see if he ate and changed. He doesn't turn when I enter the room.

I walk around right in front of him catching his dropped eyes. I snort to myself smiling that he's changed and looks a bit lively after a nice meal and a change of clothes.

I put the dishes back in the kitchen, entering his room again to make him sleep on the comfortable bed. I put my hand on his shoulder causing him to be startled.

"Hey, do you want to sleep on the bed?"

He looks around rubbing his eyes. He quickly nods his head already turning the chair to the bed. I bend down near his bed and uncover the blankets for him. I turn to him and he uses his hands to remove his limp legs off the chair. I watch sadly as he puts his hands on the bed then quickly scouts from the chair to the bed. He does a difficult twist to make his legs straight.

He uncovers the sheets more getting ready to put his feet on the bed. I quickly act and bend down picking up his leg but he shoves on my fingers.

"I don't need your sympathy."

He begins lifting them from the floor with a bit of strength. I slap his hand away bending down again.

"It's not sympathy if I actually care for you and want to help," I look into his eyes that turn soft for a second.

"Care for me?" He asks. "Why would you care for someone like me?"

I go back to lifting up his leg feeling the heavyweight, placing it on the bed lightly. "You're my brother in law," I flash him a small smile which he gladly returns.

I place the other leg on his bed removing his socks before covering his legs up to his torso. We stay looking at each other until he clears his throat. "Thank you,"

"No problem. Good night Namjoon," I stand up and head to the door. I turn around seeing his eyes still on me.

"Good night," he says.

I smile and close the light going out dragging the door behind me.

"What the hell was that?"

I hear a low deep growl from Taehyung's voice. I turn around meeting his tight jaw and steamed face.

Chapter 1

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