12. "Let me in your heart."

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Third person's view

This is how his mother looked before his father, her husband. She looked vulnerable and afraid, the same way Andrea looks.

"Tae.." her voice in a low whisper. She slowly steps back as Taehyung approaches her carefully. He just wanted to hold her in his arms and make her feel better. The sight hurt him but he could only imagine how much pain she's in.

She wanted his touch around her but at the same time she didn't. The way he looked at her, broke her heart all over again. She realises that the man that beat her up and the one standing infront of her were complete opposites. The one that beat her had no emotion in his eyes or anything remotely controlled to feelings but the one infront of her was her Taehyung, the one with love in his eyes. Her brain tells her to run away yet her heart controls her and tells her to stay.

Taehyung takes light steps with his arms slightly forward as a sign that he won't hurt her. Andrea stops moving and watches him. His fingers slowly coming up to her face.

She flinches back looking away from him. How could he possibly still touch her when she looked like this?

The trust is there, the love is there but there is no strength. Strength to be with him, strength to carry on, strength to look him in the eyes and the strength to forgive. Her feelings are a confusing whereas on one hand she wants to hug him an the other she wants him out.

She's been feeling so confused.

Delicately his fingers lay on her cheek and right there and then her heart calms down. His touch...how could the same touch that brought her pain also be the same touch to make her at peace.

They weren't going to separate, after the connection and feeling they both felt it was impossible to ignore the signs.

He rests his forehead against hers, lightly caressing her cheek. "I'm sorry.." he whispers, sincerely apologize. 

She sniffs and steps back her eyes bulging in tears. She removes his hands away from her face crying.

"No.." She shakes her head. "You can't always say sorry! You can't always- always! God! Taehyung..." Her voice cracking mid sentence. The air is silent and thick. "You did this to me and all you can say is sorry? I don't want that. I don't–"

"Andrea." Namjoon calls.

"Just leave." She turns around. Her face hot and red. The anger evident in her rising voice . "I can't–"


"I don't even want to hear your voice right now Taehyung," she whispers shaking her head. 

Namjoon clears his throat and his wheels move next to her revealing the boxing gloves. He shifts the gloves and hands it to her. She looks at the gloves confused.

"Hit him." Is all Namjoon says moving backwards.

Andrea shakes her head turning to Taehyung. "I can't hit him. Even if I'm that mad. I can't—"

"You can." Taehyung steps up to her. He takes the gloves and puts each glove on her hand adjusting the straps. Andrea watches him only now realising that she's missed his smell and presence. "I know hitting me will not make the pain I've caused you to go away...but it will make you feel lighter,"

She gulps shaking her head. "Tae..."

"Hit me." He stands straight peering into her eyes. A little smile lingers on his lips. "Do it baby,"


"Then I'll make you hit me,' he says standing back. "Andrea I'm sorry. I shouldn't have–"

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