Journal-May 12, 2003

60 1 3

I'm exited...I finally get to go on a trip into the woods!

Well, I mean also I'm kinda scared since I have anxiety and all of that, but other than that I'm exited. There is this big program where you stay out in the woods and try to survive within a little camp. 3 people are in each camp and they are in there for 1 whole year.

If you keep your sanity and come out alive then you will be one of the champions and win 1 million dollars and get to go to a trip to Japan. What really scared me about all of this is what if I have to go to a mental institution for the rest of my life? Will I be killed by a bear? Am I going to get a deadly disease? Anything can happen!

But then also if I survive then I have a higher chance of getting a better job like an astronaut or an artist. So I just hope I'll be ok.

I leave tomorrow, I got all of my stuff packed and Im mentally preparing myself with ramen noodles and ice cream sundaes.

God damn I can't belive I'm doing this. Welp. Whomever gets this footage of me talking. Please wish me good luck because I don't have any luck in me at all.

Oh! And before I leave, Jason if I'm gone by the time you get home, I just wanna tell you that I love you and I will try to make sure I don't die physically or/ and mentally. Take care of Carson and Susan, and no ice cream before bed! I know your a softie for those puppy eyes!

Loner boy     ~Fell x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now