1st person view, May 20, 2003

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I laid in bed last night and just stared at the sky, I had major anxiety last night. I stared hyperventilating, I didn't want to get kidnapped.

Maybe this was a trick? A test? I would think, but it didn't add up correctly. The stuff was thrown around, almost making a movie or a scene. The sheets looked freshly ripped, then the clothes where torn off a few steps near the bathroom. The suit cases made a line to the window, and her shoes had little pieces of glass inside of them with the window broken.

I went to sleep eventually though, I can't do an all-nighter because I'll get sick in the morning. When I woke up Thomas was inside his cabin, I let him rest.

We all were able to take one of our devices, but it was our responsibility to figure everything out with it. I had already found out how to get a VPN on settings.

I looked at my computer and decided to read something, since I forgot all of my books at home I relied on my computer to keep me thinking of something.

I loved to read mystery and horror but I can't read it now unless I wanna pass out from anxiety. So I just read a fantasy story off the web, it was actually quite interesting, and people belive that the legend is true, pretty neat.

As I got into the first few chapters, someone was kidnapped as well. I look at the description, it's all about finding this one kid and saving them from the evil demonic spirits. It makes me think of Jade.

You know what, I'm not going to just sit around and wait for Jade to die! We gotta save her! I mean, I'm pretty sure I'll die as well but it'll be for a good cause. "Thanks online book!" I say and get up and run to Thomas' cabin.

"Thomas! We should do something about this! We can't sit around and wait for Jade to die a horrible death!" I say as Thomas looks up at me from his book, he was also reading a fantasy book.

"You mean go out there and save her?" Thomas said, with a little nervous expression.

"Yes! It's stupid that we're grown adults and we can't even go and rescue a friend from kidnap. Please, Thomas, Jade needs this." I say, looking at Thomas.

"Don't you have anxiety? Won't it scare you?" Thomas asked, I shook my head, "not as long as your there to help me."

Thomas sighed and I looked at him in a begging way, "fine, ok fine. But if we get killed, it's not my fault." Thomas said, clearly nervous.

Six hours later

Me and Thomas made a plan, we each go out there and if we aren't ok with going alone we both go. I've been stressing about this for over 6 hours, my so called 'shift' starts in 2 hours.

What if I die? I'm not heroic! I can't do this! But I can't just make Thomas go. Ugh you stupid, just do it! It's only a 1 hour walk, see, just a 1 hour walk..in the wilderness...alone.....uh........not gonna die.....totally going to be ok.

The thoughts where really getting to me. But I just accepted the fact that I was going to be ok in the end. It still would freak me out but it was still saving a poor innocent soul that just wants to have a better life than she already has.

Jade has depression and I'm not going to let her die horribly.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2018 ⏰

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