1st person view-May 18 & 19, 2003

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I woke up to this random sound of rustling, iv'e heard it every night but I always think that it's just some animal or big insect that just crawling around. I've gotten used to all of the bugs honestly, I had a tarantula crawl all over me and I was completely fine with it, Jade just smacked it away in fear. I think she will be the first one to leave.

"(Y/N), sweety, there is something inside of my cabin and I don't know what it is, your the animal expert, get it out!" Jade says while walking in with her overly fashioned pj's. Jesus such a drama queen. I think while getting up and walking into her cabin.

She was right, there was a small thing crawling or slithering around. As I searched some more Jade got a little more anxious. "Honey, please tell me it's not a snake, or Is it a bear?!" Jade said in a yellish whisper.

I poked around some more just to find a small rattle snake on the window. "It's just a small rattle snake! You'll be ok!" I Said staying a good distance away from the snake, just to make sure it didn't feel scared.

"RATTLE SNAKE?! OH HELL NO! I NEED TO GET OUT OF THIS HELL HOLE AND NOW!" She yell whispers but much more louder, scaring the snake just a bit.

"Hey, it's ok!" I Said in a calming voice combing a bit closer. "I'm just gonna open this window for you, ok?" I say moving a bit closer. It stays put, it's rattle shaking but only slightly. "It's ok!" I say as I finally get to the window, it stares straight up at me and it's tongue shoots out and then back in.

I don't know, I've always had a thing for being so gentle to animals to the point that their not scared or try to attack me.

I opened the window slightly and the small snake slithered out, making one last rattle before leaving. I shut the window and look at Jade who is covering herself with a large book and shaking violently.

"Jesus girl you could've got yourself killed! Your too young to be doing that!" Jade said, slowly putting the book down. She tensed down a little but stayed in the corner.

"Just because I'm only 24 and your like 41, doesn't mean you have to treat me like I child, I have kids you know!" I say frustrated as I walk out.

"Wait! I have a question, can all snakes in general open windows?" Jade asked me while looking under the bed for anything else. "If there that adapted to human environments then maybe. Why do you ask?" Jade looks at me then stands up and sits on her bed.

"I didn't open that window before I went to bed...I closed it and then fell asleep, and I locked the too." Jade said, her 'feminine' voice disappearing. I stared at her and then down at the floor, I gotta get outta here before I get another anxiety attack. I thought.

"Well..don't worry about it. This program has been going on for ages and it is normal for animals that smart to get inside the cabin. Good night, Jade." I Said and turned around and left.

May 19, 2003

I sat in bed, wondering what's next. Will a tiger appear right in front of me? Will I wake up and realize that nothing has happened?

Ugh, I hate you brain and your thoughts! I thought as I stood up and went outside for breakfast. Thomas was cooking eggs from a near by nest.

"Morning Y/N!" Thomas said cheerfully while looking at me and waiting for the eggs to cook.

"Morning Thomas, say, where's Jade?" I asked. She was quite frightened last night, hopefully she hasn't gone mad already, it hasn't even been a week! "Oh, just sleeping in. She seemed tired and grumpy so I let her be." Thomas said as I sat down across from him.

"Good thing she didn't throw those pink high heels at you, those things hurt!" I Said with a small laugh. "Me too, I bet those bruises are still there." I looked at my arm and there was still a bruise shaped as a high heel. "Yep, still there."

Me and a Thomas laughed and talked about our life home, I mean, if your going to live with people out in the wilderness for a year, why not make them friends?

We started to make puns and jokes but soon stopped when there as a scream from inside Jade's cabin. This time it wasn't a scared scream, it was a painfully distressed scream.

Me and Thomas looked at each other and then back at the cabin. "Jade, are you alright?" I called out. No answer. "Jade?" I called out again, but this time standing up and walking over to the cabin.

Thomas followed me into the cabin slowly. When I opened the door I was immediately shocked, clothes where scattered on the floor, all the sheets on the bed where literally hanging from the ceiling, her bags where wide open, and her shoes where torn in half.

"Jesus Christ, this was no bear attack." Thomas said, I nodded slowly, agreeing.

I stood there, what happened to Jade? "Thomas... I think Jade was kidnapped." I Said while turning around. Thomas looked shocked but I could tell he agreed.

We both silently went outside, scared for our own lives, and Jade's. The eggs were burnt, but we didn't care. It's only been a week, and we're already trying to process how a lady has been kidnapped and why. 

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