love quest ll

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This chapter has a lot of slum i do advice you skip ahead to the next chapter; for all the sensitive readers.
She stood for 5 minutes contemplating, whether to knock on the door or not. She had knocked and heard he's voice and she ran away due to cold feet. Later that night, she called him;
Hey, I erm noticed you left the party before it was over...
- yh I did, it was kinda getting boring so, I just left I should head home.
Nice, I know its late and all buh can I see you, I wanna talk.
(Adrenaline shot up her spine for he's reply)
- ERM its really late and we got a meeting... Buh aii I'll see you in 10 minutes at the fair counter.
Thanks bye.
She jumped and danced excitedly. At the counter she waited for him knowing fully well she had been 5 minutes early. He walked in wearing sweat pants and a grey t shirt then he took a few steps and sat in the extra seat by at the table. She took a puff of air and then stoke,  "all my life I've made decisions based on a mistake I made in the past, there has been good decisions there have been bad ones, but I have always showed the world courage, anger, vengeance and all but I've been holding back my pain and I often am oblivious to things around me like the fact that we've fallen for each other, despite our squabbles and arguments, look its hard for me to do this cause I have never done it before I just don't know the right words to use" he looked at her with all seriousness and asked, "what do you want now" she replied with a answer of uncertainty. He smiled and held her hand it's time you knew me.
"My father was a drug dealer and my mother was a porn star pretty hard for me to grow up, I had a brother and a sister and I had a very tough childhood. My father believed that women were women whether it was the woman that gave birth to you, you could still dam your manhood in her, he was pretty twisted. My brother and my sister always made out and I was left depressed, being the only one that my father had allowed to go to regular school, I knew the consequences. The woman you met isn't my biological mom, she's a foster parent that took me in as her own, what lead to that you might ask, well unlike most homes mine was filled with mostly sex, drugs and money. My mother would often call me into her room and open and legs giving hand gestures as a go a head, some times my parents would have sex in front of us to show us how to " have better sex" or he'd watch my older brother and mom had sex and teach him how to fuck her more" he paused and looked at her face which had grown to one of disgust, but he had to continue so he could know if she was really he's, "I was the only person in my family that hadn't touched or been touched, when I had entered college my dad made me deliver drugs to students in the college and then I got attached to it, I started drinking, smoking, and having sex, something that shook me out of my state was when my dad had asked me to have sex with my mom and sister at the same time, my mom always did plastic surgery to keep up with her porn career and my sis occasionally joined her, you know licking her pussy them kissing and my dad would tell them to do better in their work.  That night they had prepared condom and all buh I asked my big brother to fill in, to give me some pointers, on seeing such a sight I was horrible when my sister gave my brother a blow job and my mom had masturbated, so my brother could lick her orgasm its was filthy. I told my foster mom everything and she made a deal, that I'd change my name to the name of her late son and shed give me a new identity, a new present and a new future. It was all going well until her husband died, he's sisters took everything away from us, I learnt that life wasn't to be dealt with soft fingers but with iron fists, I rose my empire up and made the name, "JULIUS GONZALEZ" and that's the story of my life", she had been thinking her life was probably worse than anyone else, but she just figured out that her problems were a mole hill compared to the mountain he's was. Could she take the risk? He wasn't a bad guy, but she couldn't still trust him? You couldn't trust anyone in life, not even your own mother judging from he's story, he looked into her eyes and for the very first time, her heart beat escaped her body and flew into someone else's, "do you wanna be my girlfriend" he mouthed, "ERM,.... well..... I don't... I mean to say... Wow... Oh mi jeez" he chuckled at her answer, "soooo? Yes?" He asked, she knew is she opened her mouth nothing other than babbles would come out, so she nodded. It was a sight worth seeing
The next day, Mia came to her house and bombarded her with questions, she explained everything in clear detail leaving out Julius's life story and then she noticed Mia's attitude changed, she didn't know why but she just put the thought out of her head and planned to get ready for a tonne of work at the office.

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