Part 1: The flight and the arrival

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You walked around at the airport, waiting for flight to be announced. When it got announced you were at the other side of the hall. You turned around and walked over to you plane, until you realized that you forgot your suitcase. You ran back into the hall and searched it. First, you couldn't find it, but then you saw your suitcases standing in front of the glasswall where you could see the arriving and leaving planes. You sighed relieved and ran over to your suitcase, but then accidentally bumped into someone. He stood there like a stone and didn't fall down. But you did. And your head was hurting now. "Ouch..." you said and looked down at yourself. Than you saw a hand. The boy helped you standing up and asked worried: " Is everything okay?" You nodded and smiled shyly. "I am sorry. I didn't see you." The boy also smiled and said: " It's alright. I didn't get hurt. Did you hurt yourself?" You shook your head. "I will just get a headache. That's all." you answered. Then you heard someone shouting and looked around. The boy yelled something back and waved at some boys. "I have to go." he said and smiled one last time at you. After that he walked away. You raised up your eyebrows and shook your head a few times, so you won't get a headache. Then, you took your suitcase and walked over to the plane. They checked your ID and after that you could enter the plane. You sat down and closed your eyes. That was an interesting conversation. You didn't even know what the boy was called. But he was friendly and handsome. You leaned back at your seat. Then, the flight started and you got excited. This was your first flight without your parents and of course you were extremely excited and also a bit scared. You were going to visit a friend of yours in New York and would live there for about three or four months, because your family had some problems and wanted to solve them without you. The plane was already far away from the ground and you very chilled again. Suddenly, a voice beside you said: "The beginning is the hardest, right?" You turned around and saw the boy. He stood next to your seat and looked at you. "I have the seat next to you." he said. Behind him stood the other boys and looked at you curiously. You nodded and smiled at him. "Then sit down. I don't block your seat or something and you don't have to ask for my permision to sit down." you said. The boy nodded and sat down. He smiled at you. "I am Hanyu. I forgot to introduce myself." You shook his hand and said: "I am Y/N. Nice to meet you."  He laughed and said: "Well, our first conversation was a bit... special..." You also nodded and leaned back at your seat again.

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