Forever & Always

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People really think I care about what they say about me, I may come off as Rude, arrogant, conceited ,big h--, shit I know y'all get the point, ain't nobody paying for shit I got, I been on my own since I was 16 I'm not new to this shit, be honest with you i don't need nobody, I got myself. Princess be the name and Stripping is my game don't get me wrong i work at footlocker to but a little 9-5 ain't cutting it . I don't like stripping but it's the only way i will survive in these cold streets.Life ain't always been peaches and Cream for me. My mama left me when i was 16 in a shitty ass apartment, you think she cared or loved me? NO she cared to much about her drugs.
Sometimes i wonder why she didn't abort me ? Or give me up for adoption? I'll rather choose any one of those then feel not loved

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