Something new...

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Adams POV

welp might as well start YouTube, what else is there to do? I looks around YouTube creators just to get ideas to start off my channel, I really liked the idea if being a animator that tells story's, not sure why but I liked that in a way? Not sure why can't really explain, so I gathered ideas and started my channel, SomeThingElseYT, meh sounds good to me, I have been watching TomTim, Jadien Animations, Let Me Explain Studios and TheOdd1sOut which I find there character inspiring! I just like marshmellow characters cause there cute, 'maybe I should collab with them once I hit about 200? Sure sounds like a plan' I said in mind cause it sounds cool, either way I'm gonna ask maybe Jadien cause she seems cool, maybe I think, James in his video was his name? Yeah, we'll play devil vs angels (Wow  such creative person ;--;) so once I hit 200 or something imma ask them cause I'm a brave boy....some times anyway! I start making my first animation and I'm already dead tired "might as well get some sleep" I say to myself and crash on the bed like a air plane tho, I stayer up a little bit to watch Jadien Animations story time videos cause I wasn't falling asleep so might aswell

Jadien's POV

I was meeting up with James for a collab for the 7 day vegan baby, solves all your problems, which I was hyped up about! We start going to the store buying all the stuff we needed, and we head to my place to film us eating(tasting) the vegan food we got

~time being skip bright to you by, Me being lazy~

(Still Jadiens POV )
We try the vegan food we bought, at least some of it was good, I notice my phone went off at the same time James(TheOdd1sOut) went off, we checked and notice someone by the name of SomethingElseYT subscribed, I checked out most of his content which gave us a few laughs, he posted his fear of the ocean video, it cracked us up, I kinda wanna do a collab together he's only at 100(Pretend that happened) fans, I'll wait when he wants to so I subscribed to him James did as well, he's a pretty funny guy.

James POV

I was looking at SomethingElseYT he's pretty funny, not to mention his voice is so cu- AH! Get that out my head! I am not gay! I'm bisexual but something about him makes me calm and smile, Jadien most if notice I smiled at his page cause I was, "uhhh, James?" She said, with a weird look on her face, "huh? Yeah? What is it?" I said trying to get him out if my Brain.... "Your smiling for no reason, or are you smiling at something else thats funny?" She said a bit worried "oh! Uhhhhh just saw a funny video?" I say trying to hide that I was looking at SomethingElseYT page and smiling for no reason "okay...." Thank god she believed me! Might as well wait tomorrow for him to post, still, his voice is cute.......judge me all you want, I will always think that...

~time skip~

I start to lay down until... *DING!* welp, might as well check up what it is... Oh He posted a video, I watch it and gave a few laughs....'I think I may like him....or her'  I thought to myself, blushing lightly when I think of him, or her, can't really assume, but I think he's male since his voice is deep, might as well go to sleep, tomorrow is a new day.... A/N:  hope you guys enjoyed my stupid fanfic cause I'm working on ideas, hope you guys will like it imma work hard! ;w;

Something Warm...💚|| SomeThingElseYT x TheOdd1sOut //finished\\Where stories live. Discover now