The Kiss

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A/N: this is second to the final but I'm not spoiling anything OwO also this may be a bit short like 300+, words sorry I'm lazy okay TwT

Adam's POV

I sigh and look at James, he looks a bit sorry and backs away, I stop him by hugging him and then, I kissed him, he kissed back and I'm shocked of why he loves me back, "y-you l-like m-me?" I ask stuttering a little, "I love you Adam" he looks at me with his smol face, I smile and hug him, soon the game ended but were not sire how to tell the group but I'm sure they'll all accept and understand, I look at Rebecca giving her a 'we need to talk' look, she got up and I did as well so we can talk, "So what's up?" "Urmmmm, me and James are a thing now" I said playing with my fingers, I look at her and she's fangirling? "OMGFINALLYAHHHISHIPIT' I'm shocked(shook), "you accept us?" "Yes let's tell Tim and jadien!" She said grabbing my wrist and dragging me back to the table, "TIM JADIEN GUESS WHAT!!!" She screamed, "yes?" "Yeah?" She starts to yell again, "JAMES AND ADAM ARE TOGETHER SQQQQEEEEEEEE" she jumps up and down squealing, Tim smiles and looks at James and James looks away blushing, jadien looks a bit sad but smiles, I look at James and chuckle as he did the same, when we got in the car we drive back home and I pick up James birdal style so he can sleep in my arms, I set him on his bed and I was about to leave until something grabbed my sleeve, I look at James and he is holding me back from going to my room, I smile and chuckle and go in with him, he Nuzzled into my chest and I said, "I love you" "i love you to Adam" as he smiled and goes to sleep......he's to cute not to love

A/N: okay the ending will probably be smut but should I do smut? I'm not sure so I'm asking you guys, smut or no smut?

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