Chapter 2 : Meet some of the 11 idiots

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Thea is waiting outside this is normal I'll just wait Thea sighs. "THEA!!!" Thea looks at the person. A tall girl with long brown hair and hazel eyes to that girl is Elizabeth. Elizabeth walks over smiling with her little sister Summer following behind. Summer has pastel pink hair nothing like her sister and she has amber eyes "Awww hi Sum Sum!" Thea smiles Summer waves. "She's very nervous it's her first day in highschool" Elizabeth messes with Summer's hair. Summer moves her hand away and sighs "Elizabeth why?" Summer sighs. Elizabeth giggles "so you find any hot guys yet?" Thea raises an eyebrow and Elizabeth laughs. "Girl I'm too busy procecting my sister from boys. You know that!" Thea nods. "Yeah I know Liz just thought I ask" Summer quietly giggles. There's running footsteps and Osano runs over. "There you are!!!" Osano glares. Thea sighs "ok but I was here before" Osano shakes his head. "No I was here before just went to get something" Osano crosses his arms. "Yeah sure.. ok Osano" Thea smiles then nods "lets just go" Osano sighs then nods. All 4 of them walk to the school. Osano's eyes and hair are orange. His eye almost like when those cartoon characters get mad and there's fire in there eyes. Yeah Osano could probably do that. "Well I gotta go show little sum around so bye" Elizabeth grabs Summer's wrist and walks off. Summer waves bye to Thea and Osano then follows her sister. Thea waves bye to Osano and promises to make it to class. Even though she knew she probably won't, but she didn't say that only thought it. Thea sees a 6'5 boy with black inkish hair and blue eyes. Thea walks over to the boy "hi Darling!" Darling looks up at Thea and his eyes turn to yellow. "Hey Thea your early" Thea giggles "not really but thanks" Darling stands up "wish we could talk more but gotta go bye" Darling walks off. Thea smiles Darling is so sweet Thea giggles then skips around. "THEODOSIA!!!!!!!!" Someone screams and Thea freezes. Fuck.. I recognize that voice anywhere Thea slowly turns around then laughs nervously "Hi Megamo..." Megamo has a cold look on his face Thea always liked that his hair matches his eyes it was cool to her. Thea then stops looking nervous even though she was secretly nervous. "Follow me to my office I would like to have a talk with you" talk... chills went down Thea's spine but she just nodded making eye contact.

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