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Why does it feel so natural for me to be on my own

Why do I push people away with such practiced precision

Why does coming home from a day with loved ones seem like the first time I can truly breathe

Why does the part of me that craves human contact get shut down

Why do I only thrive alone until the sun sets

Why do I only want to indulge in interaction when the stars are shining and my mind attacks

Why am I stuck in this cycle of being surrounded by walls and only opening the door when all visitors have stopped knocking

Why is my heart screaming for the comfort of a human while my mind engulfs me in a dark blanket of isolation

Why does it seem like I'm the only one

Why doesn't it click for me as easily as it does for the rest of the world

Why don't I know if I will ever be saved

A/N:) thinking sucks but at least it gets me to write. Anyways take a break when you need it and don't forget to love yourself.


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