
12 1 2

Eleven days.
I have exactly eleven days to finish living.
Wow I've never said it to myself before. I kind of sound like a bit of a drama queen, don't I?
What I'm trying to say is I have eleven days, from this moment, to finish my life out here on solid ground before I'm bound to the sea for all of eternity. (Again I'm a complete drama queen, I get it.)
Let me explain. I, Josephine Ada Grover, am a siren. A dark, twisted, singing thing that drives men crazy and causes ship wrecks in the Beatrice Triangle (or something like that).
I don't really know how it works if I'm completely honest with you. Some girls get drunk on their twenty-first birthday, some girls get bound to the Atlantic Ocean because their mother is an enchantress. You win some, you lose some.
Eleven days from now my mother will return from the ocean for the first time in twenty-one years (I can't wait to see the look on dad's face) and swoop me from whatever it is I'll be doing at the time and take me back to her kingdom (?), her sea weed fort (?), again I don't know how this works.
"Josey," my friend Kat intrudes on my thoughts, "come on. This is a Halloween party not another writing class. Put up your journal and dance with me."
I slip my notebook into my tattered backpack, "You know I don't dance unless I'm wasted."
"It's midnight. You should have been wasted hours ago. Let's get you another drink," Kat grabs my hand and drags me off the couch.
I personally think the party is lame. I've been to a lot of parties and this definitely ranks in the worst three of my life. But I don't tell Kat that. Her boyfriend Ryan is the host and I know my honesty would probably upset her.
I sip the flat beer she hands me and move to the music a little trying to come up with an excuse on why to leave. Dad is furious I'm not home yet? No she knows he doesn't care much when I come and go. Eli, my younger (mortal) sister, in being rushed to the emergency room after eating some poisoned candy? No she'd offer to come with me then, her and Eli have always gotten along pretty well.
   I sigh, giving up all hope for escape, "Where's Ryan?"
   "Oh, he went to help Sandra with something down the hall. He's kinda been gone for a little bit though. Should I check on him?" Kat, much drunker than myself, stutters slightly, cheeks blazing red.
   I shrug, "Maybe that's a good idea?"
   She nods and disappears through the crowd. I chug my beer and grab another one before making my way to the edge of what must be the "dance floor". A place where a few girls are grinding on each other while ten or so nerdy looking guys watch. I make my way into the circle, starting to feel the alcohol and the music.
   The beat takes over.
   I'm twisting and turning and waving my arms and swaying my hips and I don't even know how I'm doing it but a tune escapes my lips and I'm singing. Somewhere in the distance I here a slamming door and a breaking window. Everyone is watching me. Entranced by me. Their eyes are bright and their bodies are swaying with mine, even the girls that were all over each other seconds ago are now paused in awe.
   "Let's go," Kat breaks in on my flow, "we're leaving. Now!"
   It's hard for me to stop my performance but finally I do, following Kat to the door, "Why what's going on?"
   We are in the hallway now, I'm trying to keep up with her but it's difficult in six inch heels.
   She stops at the elevator, "He's cheating on me. And you almost exposed yourself."
   She isn't making any sense, "Exposed myself? What are you talking about?"
   The elevator rings and we both rush inside, "Gee no I'm sorry Kat your boyfriend of five years turned out to be a lying piece of shit or anything. You just want to know about yourself. Typical mortal men. Typical siren."
   "I'm sorry. Typical what?" I've never told anyone about me being a siren, especially not Kat.
   "Get over the shock. I know what you are. Your mother sent me here as your protector a long time ago. That's why I've stuck by your side all these years, not because you're an outstanding friend." Kat walks out into the middle of the street, "Go home. Take the bus. Stay there until I come back. I need to update Genevieve."
   "Who?" I don't think it's best to go telling my secret to everyone.
   She rolls her eyes and slowly starts to fade into the wind, "Your mother. Go straight home. I'll be back." And with one last gust of wind she's gone.
   I stand, in completely and utter shock, on the side walk. This is a dream. This is all a dream. People don't just disappear with the wind. Kat doesn't know my secret. I'm just drunk. Someone must have slipped something into my drink at the party. It's all one big hallucination, it has to be. I need to get home and lie down. It'll all be okay.
   I feel my hands shaking as I make the two block walk to the bus stop. My heart races a little faster than normal as I sit on the bench and try to push what just happened from my mind.
   The bus arrives twenty minutes later and as I climb the steps, show my bus pass, and take a seat, I'm still numb on the inside.
   Kat knows. She was sent here? By my mother? Genevieve. The name sends a chill down my spine.
   This isn't real.
   All one big bad dream.
   I settle in, I know it's at least an hour ride back to Grove Side where I live. I hum to the music a little to past the time. I actually really like this song. They never play music I like on the bus. I'm impressed.
   I notice heads turning towards me, strangers smiles and nod with my tune. I try not to pay much attention to them but can't seem to control my humming. The song lasts forever before it finally stops and I can catch my breathe.
   The strangers turn away. All accept for one guy who is sitting in the seat right in front of me. He's turned all the way around kind of just staring into me. I look down at my lap.
    "That was beautiful." he whispers to me.
   I feel myself blush, I've never been shy before but something about his voice is melting, "Thanks."
   I glance up at him as he offers me a massive hand to shake, "I'm Ashton."
   Ten days, twenty-three hours, eight minutes, and fifteen seconds.

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