Rant 2

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What does a mental illness feel like?

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What does a mental illness feel like?

You constantly feel scared, stopped, bound by your own mind.
It's that voice in your head that tells you...
That you are ugly.
That your friends, if you have any , are better than you.
That you deserve to die.
That you are a fucking scared child.
That you are not beautiful.
That you are fat.
That you are too thin.
That you have a fat nose.
That you are less of a woman because you are flat chested.
That you are ugly cause you are hairy.
That you are too short.

Do you over criticise yourself?

Have you ever wished your death?
Do you feel suffocated as you talk?

Suffocated by your own mind?

Do you feel as if your lips have been sewn by an invisible thread and whatever you say is a product of hate and confusion?

Have you ever had a mental breakdown?
Do you too feel overwhelmed at every small thing?
Have you ever cried at the smallest of things?

Have you ever wished you could just cut out a part of your self and become another person?

Have you ever wished that for just one moment ..you can be normal...like others.
Live a happy life, eat a whole pizza by yourself without a thought of getting fat. Go out with friends and have a boyfriend?

I do too, I think about it everyday.
I am very happy in my imaginary life.

But it's wrong and everyone has to stop living an unreal.. imaginary life.
Because the entry to this life is the exit from the real one.

Ever slides a blade for a few minutes of peace from your overactive mind... to be at rest for once.

Have you?
Yes you, I am asking you this right now.
I don't know how to overcome this on my own, so I asked for help.
You do too... if you are scared of therapists... message me...

I'll share my email id... and we can have a heart to heart conversation. You can speak all you want and I'll be there for you.
Like a friend.
Like a sister....

We need to help each other out....cause no one cares.

Not until you die.



The art and poetry are not originally mine and have been drawn from Pinterest and shit.
Please don't leave hate comments stating that you read the poem somewhere on net.
The drawing ofcouse I did on my own.

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