A Drummers Daydream

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"Miss Riche if you could be as so kind as to pay attention!" Mrs. Nickes voice came across like a whip to the back of the room where I sat. My head snapped up to look at her, I'd been writing a new song in my notebook and drumming out of beat on the edge of my desk as usual. Now, Mrs. Nickes gave up on me a long, long time ago. So I don't know why she was evening trying. I was a hopeless head case in her opinion and a lot of people agreed with her. Sometimes I felt like I was in rehab or something. Hello my name is Anabella Riche *cue dead pan "Hi Anabella*, I am 15 years old and I am believed to be possessed by demons. I sighed out loud in frustration as I played this scene in my head. I ran a frustrated hand through my dirty blonde hair. I tried to pay attention to what my teacher was saying but honestly.... I just don't give a damn. But then I heard something I DID NOT want to hear. "...... So class Kent Stone High will be sharing schools with us for a while until their school is fixed. And I came crashing back down to earth like a meteorite. I stared at Mrs. Nickes in horror.

"Excuse me what?!" I gasped sounding breathless. The class snickered, and I heard more than one person say "airy Ana" which people had taken to calling me when they mistakes me not caring for me being a ditz.

Yeah no.

I'm a lot of things but a ditz is not one. Mrs. Nickes gave me her best "you are a devils spawn and you dare to speak to me look" before taking a deep calming breath (something her therapist had told her to do no doubt) and saying,

"If you had been paying attention Miss. Riche you'd know that Kent Stone High was bombed, so until their school is fixed they will be sharing a school with us, and I except you to behave like a normal teenager and not some Demon-Crazed, hell raising hooligan!"

Mrs. Nicke was breathing hard, her eyes wide, her chest heaving. I could feel my anger growing but I pushed it down. So instead of screaming right back at that wench like I really wanted to I let my guard come up and with it came my natural sarcasm.

"Careful ma'am you keep yelling like that and you're going to blow you're gong to blow your one and only brain cell. And that's a fact." I nodded my head trying to look serious but failing because I was still smirking. I looked around in mock-surprise when the bell rang,

"Oh look at that! The bell!" I scooped up my notebook and bag and strode out of the room, leaving a stunned, disbelief behind me.

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