~Chapter 3~

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*** I just to state that I have received help from my good friend friskyfrog here on WATTPAD. I recommend going over to her account and reading her awesome fanfic, "Our Story". If you are a fan of the heroes of Olympus series, I'm sure you'll love her writing. I really hope you enjoy this Chapter and please leave feedback if you did. Thanks so much! ***

They next few weeks were very similar to the past week and so on. I got bullied, did homework, got good grades, studied.

Soon enough it was Christmas vacation. My favorite time of the year.

As I walked home on the day before break, I ran into this kid. Literally walked straight into him. He had straight jet black hair and he looked about a year or two older then me. He kinda had a thing about him that I thought was attractive. I recognized him from my first and 2nd period classes.

Why was he walking back towards the school? I wondered."Hey! Watch where you are going!" He proclaimed. "I have somewhere to be." With that he walked away. "My bad! Sorry!" I yell after him.

I wondered to myself if I would ever see the boy again. That little encounter was the closest interaction I had with anyone for the past 3 months.

I pulled my iPhone out from my pocket and inserted my ear buds. I started listening to "Misery Business" by Paramore until I got home.

Paramore was my favorite band at the moment. I even attended a concert this past fall. It was awesome!!

After listened to the whole Riot! Album I finally inserted my keys into the lock on the door I have forever lived behind. I'm so dramatic.

I took my blue vans off and ran upstairs. My sister usually got home an hour after I did, even though it felt like only 2 seconds.

I entered my bathroom and turned the bathtub knob clockwise open the path of water flow and to increase the temperature of the water. I stripped down to being fully naked and stepped into my warm bath.

I was in there for what seemed like 2 hours, but it was really only 45 minutes. I would've stayed in longer but I heard a knock on the door.

I jumped out as fast as I could and put on my bath robe. I assumed it was my sister, or maybe it was the delivery man with my new outfit I ordered 2 days ago from forever21.

I ran downstairs and opened the olive green front door, only to see... Wait what? It wasn't my sister, or the delivery man. It was the boy I ran into earlier today.

Instead of telling me why he was here, he told me to get dressed as fast as I could and go with him.

I put on some simple jeans and a Aeropostale sweater and I wrote a note to my parents telling them where I was, even though I myself didn't know where I was going.

I know I shouldn't go somewhere random with someone I barely know, or even don't know at all, but I felt like I didn't have a choice. I felt like I was being forced to go with him, and if I didn't, I would regret the decision.

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