The Pain I Feel Is Slowly Killing Me

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(I bet you didn't see this coming)

A year ago

Violet's POV

"VIOLET. GET DOWN HERE THIS INSTANT." yelled my adoptive mother.

I quickly got ready and run downstairs.

"Hello mother."

"I'm not your mother!" said my adoptive mother harshly.

"Hello miss."

"Wrong again..."

"Ma'am." I said, shamefully.

"Your brain cells finally started working again? I don't know why I even adopted you. It was good when you came once in a while and I didn't have to look at your face for more than five minutes." said the woman with a scowl.

"I am sorry. So sorry. Please don't send me back to the asylum. I was just late today. I promise it won't happen again."

The next thing I knew. She pulled my hair.

"It better not or else you'll go back to that asylum of yours."

Then, she harshly pushed me away and I hit the table, as I yelped in pain.

"Feed the babies, you useless bag of trash." She said as she spit at me.

I looked down and nodded.

I quickly run upstairs and held a baby in my embrace whilst I tried to calm the other ones as well.

"Twinkle, twinkle, little star
How I wonder what you are
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky
Twinkle, twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are..." I sang quietly and I went towards the other three babies and sat next to their bed continuing.

"When the blazing sun is gone
When he nothing shines upon
Then you show your little light
Twinkle, twinkle, all the night
Twinkle, twinkle, little star
How I wonder what you are..." I finished singing as tears rolled down my cheeks.

How I wish I was a star. Then, I would be able to fly away from this house.

I took a deep breath and kissed every kid on their forehead as I closed the curtains and walked away, closing the door quietly behind me.

Why would someone have nine kids, if they weren't able to handle taking care of them?

"Go and wash the clothes." said 'mum' as she pushed me outside with a bucket of clothes.

Violet you are sixteen, two more years of this and then you can run and be whoever you want.

I even missed school at the asylum, I don't even get to learn anything that could help me get into a college here. I'm always cleaning, cooking or getting yelled at.

That doesn't mean that I didn't sneak a book in my bedroom which is also the reason why I was late today...

I was reading 'Les Miserables'.

If Mrs Hammond saw it. I would be in big trouble.

I sighed as I started washing the clothes. Finally some peace and quiet here.

I finished and I walked back to the house... I took a deep breath and was about to walk inside when my thoughts clouded my brain.

I wish I had Lily's life. Everybody liked her, because she was a 'beautiful little thing'. They described me as a 'nature's mistake'.

If someone heard this, they would laugh but it's not funny when it's being told to you.

I was even forced to bully that redhead girl with freckles.


Flashback Begins
Five years ago...

"You want to have a house to live in or stay at the asylum?" asked Mrs Hammond.


"Then, make that redheads girl's life miserable. She deserves it. Since, her parents were lucky enough not to deal with me, then you'll have to handle her."

"She seems nice."

"Oh, did it seem like you had a choice?"

"I was just saying that-"

"You'll do as I say."

Anne came once a week and stayed an entire week every September. We were inserapable. Unfortunately, little did I know that it would be the end of a beautiful friendship for the next following years.

"Yes, ma'am." I said, shamefully as I looked at Anne reading a book called 'Jane Eyre'. I sighed and walked towards her.

Flashback Ends

I had a guy who was my friend but of course he liked Lily more... His name was Henry. We fought recently because apparently I had to take the blame about burning his pencils when it was an accident from Mrs Hammond.

I had one last friend Lorcan. He was my best friend. He always looked out for me, but I hadn't seen him in a long time. I miss him so much...

Last but not least, Gilbert Blythe was the person I had to get close to in order to keep him away from Anne.

Again, not my choice.

My life is a living tragedy. I wish I could go back to the asylum. But, I knew better than bring this up. I could do something unwise in order for her to take me back, but she will pull my hair again. I just wanted to have a life of my own, outside of this place, that I call prison for imaginative kids with a love of books.

"I believe that a bird flies away
Because, it gives it a sense of freedom.
I believe that a fish swims
Because, it can find out more about the sea world.
I wish I was a lion
Because, I would be able to talk and people would have to listen.
For once
I want to be heard.
Please, God
I am begging for help. "

I wrote this poem a week ago, it was comforting at situations like these. It gave me home and happiness. Which, I didn't have much anymore. Wouldn't it be wonderful if I had someone who loved me, like Gilbert loved Anne?


"I'M COMING MRS HAMMOND." I yelled back and I run towards the house.

I had a chance of a happy life with my aunt, but she didn't want me, no matter how much Fred begged her to take me. Then, I had to call some people 'mum and dad', so they wouldn't know that my parents died, in Avonlea. It worked like a charm. But, I wish I could turn this lie to a real life truth.

I quickly run back inside and started to cook whilst Mrs Hammond was sitting at a corner talking to her husband.

A bit about Violet's background. Wrote another small poem. What is your opinion about her now? ♥

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