Work, work, work.

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Claire Dearing sat at her desk and began typing a long essay on her computer. The topic was "Should genetically made hybrids be allowed?". That wasn't the bad part. The bad part was that she was just doing the same thing over and over and over again. It  just got really boring. She sighed as she continued to think of things to write about. Simon Masarani, her boss,  had asked her to write an essay about the topic and hand it in to InGen Cooperation. By Saturday. Five days was barely enough time to write a twenty-thousand worded essay with grammatically correct things, scientific words, dinosaur hybrid names, algorithms, and in the form of a persuasive piece. 

The only persuasive piece Claire had written was her internship letter,  and that was years ago. Too bad Simon Masarani remembered things. At least she was getting paid for doing it. The only reason why she did it was because Simon Masarani had offered her five hundred dollars to do it. Five hundred each day until Saturday. Each day. If you did the math, she would have $2,500 by the end of Saturday. That was why Claire agreed to do it. Because money... money was power. It was the beginning to a new chapter... a new world. A new beginning with a different end. 


Owen Grady stood up high on the bridge, holding his clicker in his right hand, and holding up his left in a fist. 

"Hold it! Hey! I said stop! Come on, again? How many times does it take for you god damn raptors to listen? Jesus... seriously!" Owen yelled out to particularly no-one, as his raptors continued to snap and snarl at each other, and ran around like headless chickens. 

"Stupid giant lizards." Owen muttered to himself as he went back into his office. Well, Owen wouldn't call it an office. It was more like a man-cave, but an office just sounded nicer. You didn't need a computer to train raptors. You just needed more frozen mice and a giant bag of turd; Owen thought to himself grumpily, and he screwed off the lid of his Coke, and turned on the video camera on his computer. 

Sometimes he really hated his job. "Day Number 179. Raptors not doing anything useful again. Just fighting each other. Maybe tomorrow they'll listen up."  He then turned off the Web Cam, and turned on the TV. At least I don't have to sit at an office and type away at a computer all day long. But still, no matter where the setting, Owen Grady wished he had never applied for the raptor trainer.


A.N. So guys, how did you like the first chapter? Comment if you have any Clawen ideas or flashbacks. 

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