Ch 1 The Dream

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- Huh? That's not the Power Rangers Show. Muuuum you promised me we'll go to the special show.

- Moonbin dear all the tickets were sold out. I'm sorry. But this one is also interesting. You'll like it.

   The excitement for that day faded away all at once at her words, leaving the 7 years-old boy pouting and handle now an unexpected bitter disappointment.

- Nooo. I don' waanna. I wanna my show.

   Tears started to form making his vision all blurry. He looked around confused blinking several times while checking the audience, getting gradually more and more dubious if he'll really find it interesting as his mother told him.

- Mum there's not even a single child here. Muuum!!!

- Moonbin!

    The calm but cold tone and the disapproving glare of his mother, ended any further complaints. Moonbin made a frown and let out a loud angry sigh. He planned to stay like that through all the performance, as an act of rebellion. However being the curious child he was, he couldn't help not taking any glances to the stage.

     He couldn't understand a word but the nervous voices and the agitated moves of the actors - the entire performance made him unwillingly concentrated.

     Until he spotted a small figure on the stage. It was a boy just like him, but there, on the stage, along side with other adults. Moonbin instantly moved forward now sitting on the verge of his seat, with his sparky eyes following the other's every move, every word. A moment the boy was shy and timid, the next he was angry and started even shouting something at the elderly. The vibe he gave was so intense, that Moonbin forgot he was watching just a performance. He still didn't understand what was happening, why the persons from the stage were ignoring him, when he was nearly screaming at them. The boy from the stage catched Moonbin's entire attention, taking his breath away.

     Then something unexpected happened. The boy began to tremble as his eyes glittered from tears. Small drops were rolling down his pale face and even his voice was trembling. Strangely he didn't cry out loud more like he was trying to hold his tears. He looked now even more in pain. Moonbin tightly squeezed his hands, nearly making holes with his little fingers on the back of the front chair. He wanted to help the poor boy but the next moment the boy himself got up and ran away from the stage.

    In a couple of minutes  the curtain was lowered. All started to applaud loudly leaving Moonbin dumbfounded. He wanted to see more of it, more exactly the boy, to look at him some more. As he wasn't sure what to do, he turned to his mother.

- Ah it was an impressive performance, exclaimed in awe his mother.

    Now he got it. It was all an show, an act though he still doubted it. The feelings he received while watching it still boiled inside. He started to clap loudly almost jumping from excitement then he saw the actors back on the scene. And of course there was the little boy who now was wearing a bright sunny smile which took his breathe the second time that day.

- Whaa so beautiful! Mum who is the boy?

   Mother smiled at his question, seeing the excitement of her son. He liked it in the end. She took a look on the stage.

- Hm I think his name is Lee Dong Min.

"Lee Dong Min"

   He looked back at the boy and a strange feeling grabbed his heart. Something strong and exciting, something he never felt till now, making his heart beating faster.

- Mum I want....

- Hm?

- I want there... with him.

    She looked at Moonbin a little taken aback at his serious tone and determined expression. She smiled and patted his head.

- "There" it's the stage. You'll have to work hard to get on it.

    Moonbin looked at his mother and then returned his eyes on the smiling boy. A warm smiled arised on his face, followed by two sparkling resolute eyes.

- I will!

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