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P.O.V. Yoongi.
Like said I had gotten the job at Namjoon's bookstore. I was helping him around and it payed off pretty great, the boss, Jae, was a cool guy. Hobi was also working hard to try and get the money together, we where planning to visit some big cities which meant we needed a lot of money and it would take us a lot to get that together. I also started helping Tae at the animal shelter on the days and hours I didn't have to be at the bookstore, which meant I woke up early and went to bed late. I barely had time to see Hoseok but he would often stay over or we'd meet at lunch. I was also extremely tired but thinking about where the money was going made me feel so happy. It was definitely worth it. I was putting some books on a shelf when Namjoon walked up to me, looking a little nervous.

"Yoongi, I want to ask you for a favour." He says. I nod and he leans agains the built in bookshelf.

"I-uh-I want to ask Jin, to marry me." He says nervously. I smile at him.

"That's great!" I say and he smiles.

"Yeah, I mean, we're both ready and we've been together for so long." He says, a love struck expression on his face.

"When are you gonna do it?" I ask.

"We have a dinner planned this friday, I want to go out for a ring after work and I wanted to ask you to join me, if it isn't too much, I know you're really busy." I shake my head.

"It's perfect, I'll ask Hobi to come by later." I say and he smiles.

"Thank you." He says and hugs me. I smile and wrap my arms around the tall giant.

- - -

Like said we went into town after work. Hoseok agreed to come a little later so we had some time. Namjoon looked at all the rings in the small shop. He eventually picked out a beautiful silver ring with a black stone. It would fit Hyung well.

"Alright, if you need anything else, hit me up." I say as we walk past my house.

"I will, thank you a lot." He says before he continues his walk home. I watch as turns around the corner. I smile and turn to unlock my door when I hear rapid footsteps coming my way. I turn and smile when I see it's Hoseok.

"Yoongi." He says happily. I smile and kiss him softly.

"Hey there, what did you do to your hair?" I ask, running my hands trough the now red strands.

"I wanted to paint it, so I did." He says proudly. I smile. I grab his hand and we walk in. My mom welcomes us with some beef bulgogi and after that we take a shower. We lay down in my bed and I intertwine my hands with his. I place a kiss on his head and he snuggles up against me.

"Goodnight Hobi." I say.

"Nighty Yoonie." He says.

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