chapter 2

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i don't say anything at first. my eyes just gloss over when i forget to blink, and the corners of my mouth twitch a little.

a small smile grows on my face.

god, am i blushing?

"well what d'ya say?" the guy smirks, adjusting the beanie on his head, causing the dark hair underneath to become scruffy. it's cute.

"um, sure," i shrug, grinning nervously.

then all of a sudden he drops his head shyly, losing his confidence as if he wasn't actually expecting me to agree. "okay."

when i look to chris, he's already delved in his own conversation with his friends. he doesn't even seem to take notice of me, so i don't bother telling him where i'm going.

the guy holds out his hand and i (a little to quickly) take it, avoiding eye contact to hide the blush on my face. he just chuckles.

we push our way through the heap of bodies huddled in the living room to reach a kitchen area. a trashed kitchen area. there's already broken glass everywhere.

"shit," beanie guy mumbles, looking at the floor and taking my other hand, "watch out." he leads me around the shattered material.

"thanks," my cheeks grow heated once again.

"what are you into?" he stands behind a counter, pointing at all the drinks.

"i'll have whatever you have," i shrug.

the guy nods, mixing coke and vodka in two cups. he hands me mine.

"shall we head outsi-"

"right, dont make me call the cops!" a loud, angry voice booms over the music.

everyone's head turns to the front door, where a middle aged man, greying with a stache, stands. he fumed with anger.

well shit.

"i mean, sorry dude but it's my house, i don't have to do anything you say," some kid replies lousily.

judging by the man's expression, i don't think he's gonna hesitate. we're fucked.

he grabs the kid by the shirt. "why you little-"

"hey!" suddenly, from beside me beanie guy shouts. my eyes widen. "go home, old man. it's just a fucking party."

we're fucked.

the man doesn't have to say anything for us to know what he's about to do next. he pushes himself through the crowd and straight towards him.

"holy-" i start to mutter, my jaw dropping.

"shit!" he finishes for me, only he firmly takes my hand also, and im yanked away from the crowd.

though i haven't even had a sip of alcohol yet, i find myself taking way to long to realize that we're being fucking chased through some random kid's parents house by some random old man. an angry old man.

"hey!" i call out to him as my weak ass ankles just manage to run at the same speed as him. "where are we going?!"

"uh.." we pause at a door in corner of the kitchen. when he looks back, i do too, but i regret it immediately. "fuck."

the man has a fucking baseball bat. a bat. and he's swinging it around.. like he's about to freaking kill someone with it.

behind him is everyone else, staring fascinated.

ive never felt so threatened and embarrassed at the same time.


without hesitating we push ourselves out the door and into some yard. my heart has been beating so fast that i can't even feel it anymore.

"you haven't answered my question!" i shout while struggling to breathe.

"i don't know!"

you're kidding.

we approach some brick wall. oh no.

"come on, i'll give you a boost," he says.

at this i scoff and fold my arms. "oh, so you think you can just not introduce yourself but throw me over a fucking brick wall."

he laughs, bowing his head. "it's matt."

that's such a cute name i-

"okay," is all i blurt out.

what the fuck.

"i-i mean.." quickly i stick out my hand. "i'm tavia."

he smiles and shakes my hand, but then we both flinch at the sound of.. a tree snapping?

matt and i direct our attention to behind us, where the old guy stands like a bull that's spotted a red flag. my blood runs cold when i look to the bat in his hand and then beside him, at a tree, which is no longer a whole tree.


this guy's not gonna quit.

• • •

it's 4am but i needed to update..

hey ya'll i want to apologize for never being active on wattpad anymore, and of course for rarely updating. honestly i've kind of slipped back into my depression since mac miller's passing. he's seriously one of my all time favorite artists and when his death was announced my heart hurt like crazy. both my fanfics are about matt champion and i became a bigger fan of him when i found that he was a fan of mac miller. and that connection really put me off writing new chapters so i just wanna say sorry. the loss of mac has been tough on everybody and music wont be the same without him :(

brother's best friend / matt championWhere stories live. Discover now