chapter 3

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matt and i didn't even think about the height of the brick wall when jumping over it. but we soon found out when we fell onto a concrete path.

"oh fuck," he groans.

"ow," i wince, pulling my leg to my chest in pain.

"you think im going to stop there?" the old guy calls out.


matt quickly jumps to his feet and i fail to move when i notice a throbbing ache from my ankle. after basically rolling it earlier, leaping over a fucking brick wall had probably made it worse.

"quick!" he holds out his hand and i take it whilst i weakly rise from the floor. "we gotta run."

"i can't," i drop his hand and use my own to try and massage the pain away. " ankle."

"aw shit." before i know it, matt's stepped behind me and lifted me up by the legs.

"what ... hey, the hell are you doing?!" i shriek.

he carries me ... bridal style.

"im not just gonna leave you here with that psycho."

"well, oka-" again, im shook, matt starts running with me in his arms. really fast. "SLOW THE FUCK DOWN."

"are you sure?" he half laughs, spinning us around to reveal the cranky old man with the baseball bat, sprinting toward us at an alarming rate.

blood drains from my cheeks. "never mind, go go go!" anxiously i whack his shoulder repeatedly until he starts to run again.

"fucking kids im gonna get you!" the man screams.

we turn a corner, but so quickly that my arms wrap themselves tightly around his neck.

"tavia..." he coughs.

"oh shit, sorry-" without thinking i let go of him and slip out of his grip. "fuck!" suddenly i fall into what feels like a bush.

a thorn bush.

"oh my god," matt chuckles, looking down at my limp body tangled in branches.

i glare back at him. "are you just gonna leave me here with thorns piercing my ribs, legs and god knows where else?"

with the cutest grin he shakes his head and pulls me up.

"wait, the guy!"

"don't worry, we lost him for now."


for a moment we just stand, staring into each other. it sounds stupid, but-

"shit, your leg!" his eyes dart to my bleeding thigh.

all of a sudden the pain kicks in. "shit. a possibly broken ankle and a cut on my leg. that's fucking great," i throw my head back in annoyance.

"those thorns could be poisonous and that could get infected," he clicks his tongue. "i got a first aid kit back at my place if..."

a frown forms on my face. "i don't know ... its late."

"exactly," he nods and peels of his beanie to scratch his dark hair. "it's late, and you don't wanna walk all the way back there with a possibly broken ankle do you?"

now a small smile takes place on my face.

"besides, didn't you come with your brother? knowing him he'd be wasted by now and couldn't drive you home."

he's good.

"wait," my brows furrow. "how do you know about my brother?"

"why, he's my best friend," matt shoves his hands into the pockets of his jeans. "and he speaks highly of his sister."

jesus. i honestly thought christian hated me. or at least found me annoying.


"damn..." he repeats with a slight chuckle.

"got your own place?" with a slight blush rushing to my cheeks, i chime at the idea.

"yeah, i guess you could say that." we start to walk side by side, by my ankle fails me. luckily matt catches me by wrapping an arm around my waist. "careful."

i can literally feel the red on my face right now.

i clear my throat quickly. "where you living?"

"literally," matt laughs at he points his finger at across the street, "right there."

brother's best friend / matt championWhere stories live. Discover now