Contest Update/Reminder *edited at the bottom*

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This is for those of you who decided to participate in my cover contest. And for anyone who might want to join. The contest is not over yet, so don't worry. This more of a reminder/deadline release.

If you texted me about the contest, I've tagged you. It's fine if you don't want to participate anymore. I won't be mad, but I'd like it if you'd comment and tell me. It'd help a lot.

So, I've decided on the deadline for the contest. It's October 30th, 2018. I haven't finished writing the story yet, so that date could perhaps even be moved back, but that's still the deadline as of now.

Some of you have asked whether or not you guys are supposed to make your drawings into the cover yourself (adding the title, filters, Author name, etc). Well, the answer is NO. You don't have to do that, I'll do that myself. Mostly because I haven't figured out what the title's going to be exactly. I have two options, but I just don't know, lol.

Also, I had not specified on this, but you can enter more than one drawing if you want. I encourage it actually.

A few of you have already submitted your art and they all look super good! I can't wait to see the rest! ^-^

If you have already submitted, please do so again.  Sorry, to make you do that, but those photos got deleted from my phone and I don't want to go through trying to find your entries on Wattpad and miss one.  Also, I do encourage revisions to be made.  Because even if it looks amazing things can always get better!  >~<  (Or -at least- that's what my art teacher keeps telling us  XD)

You should also tell all of your friends to do this as well..since not that many people wanted to do this...   ;-;

Anyway, I think that was all the news... Thank you all so much for participating!! I really appreciate it!! Good bye!




I am not getting most of my story notifications because of Wattpad's stupid update with the message boards.  Which means that I'm not getting notifications for people tagging me on their stories, people commenting on my story, or sometimes even when someone replies to my comments.  Because of this, I'd appreciate it very much if all of you still participating would tell me directly when you post your art.  This could be by PM/DM or commenting on this part (which I'll try to check often since I might not get the notification).   I think that's all I had to say for now.

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