➳ two

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"You're crazy for doing this."

"What else would I be doing?"

"I don't know, hanging out with me and the girls, staying here and binge some videos, doing anything other than going to a random guy's house and trying to convince his dad that you are dating that random guy?"

"You make it sound like a bad thing." You threw another piece of clothing into your suitcase, already tired out from arguing with your roommate, Lucy Heartfilia, and packing up your bags for the week trip you were going to spend with Rogue and Skiadrum - his father who which you needed to impress.

"Because it is a bad thing?" Lucy shot back in a rather sassy like tone than a questioning one, making you a bit ticked off at the rude tone she used on you. "Natsu and Rogue may be friends but I personally don't think you should do this."

"And I personally didn't think you should date Natsu, but here we are." You sassed back with a sarcastic tone, watching Lucy roll her brown eyes at your comment. It was true - Natsu was a bit too rough for your liking but with how many times he's been over (rather Lucy invited him or not), you've gotten used to him. Surprisingly.

You put in another graphic pullover before taking the top of the suitcase and zipping it up, letting a satisfied sigh since you had finished one of the most time -consuming task you had done today. Well, it was the only important task you had done today, seeing as the other thing you did was help Lucy pick out some new perfume.

"I'm doing the right thing." You reassured yourself, walking out of the bedroom and towards the small kitchen to grab a granola bar.

"No, you're not." Lucy followed you into the kitchen, snatching the unopened granola bar from your hands and placing it back in the covers, "Go sit down, I'll make us some pasta." You let out a chuckle and followed her orders, moving from the kitchen to the dining room so you could still have Lucy in your sight.

You rested your elbows on the table so you could use your propped palm to rest your chin in, "Can you make me some chicken alfredo?" You questioned the blonde as she reached up to collect the pasta sauce - it was the marinara sauce, not alfredo. "Listen Lu, Rogue said him and I can go get some breakfast tomorrow and talk it over, so I don't see what you're worried about!"

"What I am worried about it the fact that Sting is tagging along with you and Rogue." Lucy continued to collect more ingredients for the spaghetti but also looked over at you to keep the conversation going, even though you wanted it to end because it was starting to become quite irritating how she was so against the idea.  

"That is what is concerning you? The fact that Sting is tagging along?" You gave Lucy a look, the one you always gave her when you got annoyed or pissed off - and she was giving you almost the exact same look but with a glare that would usually make you step down from fighting with her, but this time it didn't.

"Yes. I don't trust him after what he did to you at the party last year." Rolling your eyes, you moved your arm off the table to cross them over your chest as you rested your back against the chair. 

You knew the event she was talking about - it was the time Sting humiliated you by pouring all kinds of drinks that was at the party all over you after you crossed the line of trash talking during a game of cup-pong.  It was mainly your fault for triggering him, but Lucy had insisted it was his fault for being too overdramatic - but a couple weeks later, both you and Sting had forgiven and forgotten. 

"Are you sure it's because of that and not the fact that he was your ex-boyfriend?" 

Lucy looked up from the boiling pot of water to give you a glare, her head shaking as she dropped the cooking spoon and left it in the pot, "You know what, nevermind. You can go ahead and take that trip with Rogue. I'm not stopping you anymore." You walked up to the table you were sitting at, her hands resting on the surface as she looked you straight in the eyes, "And you can cook the pasta tonight. I'm going to Natsu's." 

Your face paled as you watched her grab a jacket and walk out of the door. You knew she would be home by tomorrow afternoon, but the most concerning thing at the moment was the pasta just waiting to be cooked. "Why couldn't I just have upsetted her after she made the pasta." You whined, letting your forehead hit the tabletop. 

Don't Tell Dad [Rogue Cheney x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now